Cultural afternoons and throwing stuff

Apr 22, 2016 18:02

I've read a few The Huntsman: Winter's War reviews that were a bit more positive than mine, but from people who liked Snow White and the Huntsman less than I did. I agree the film had faults and wouldn't argue that it was 'murky' but I was invested in KStew's Snow.

Anyway, telly: Home Fires 2.3

Oh Steph Who Always Gets The Introductory Scene, apart from Big Stan’s issues, Little Stan would have to be black marketeering behind your back.

Mrs Talbot is becoming a regular villain.

Joyce was still nice for her as chair pro tem, and we learned that the cause of the rift with Mr C was political, if hard to decipher, not that that stopped Jenny eavesdropping and tattling.

Bob was back to being his delightful self, and I was all for Pat standing up to him, but of course she lied about her shift and of course Erica, mother of Laura, wouldn’t support the carrying on. Actually, there were a lot of ways Erica could have responded, and she was very practical throughout this episode, so I was glad she was the best dressed at the cultural afternoon.

Yay Spencer for being so proud of Claire and for championing her! Honestly, with all the affairs, angst and drama, I was miffed at the bomb for threatening their extended honeymoon.

Obviously Joyce could handle Jenny, (and if Big Stan backed her, Steph could handle Little Stan) but just as we’d had the privacy campaigner, we then got the prim guardian of village morals. She’s not wrong about how it looks with the Wing Commander and Sarah knows how she herself feels, but Joyce Cameron is exactly the wrong person to be warning Sarah. I mean, Sarah had the sense to listen, but you could tell she was resentful as she (unconsciously?) threw her fancy man at the lesbian.

ANYway, Frances caught up with our deductions, poor thing. Helen’s father was rather vindictive.

Pat gave herself away to Bob over Marek about three times. Even Laura knew better than to dash off in the middle of a dance in front of everyone and Create a Scene.

Shame they didn’t have the Czech soldiers WHO WOULD HAVE RELATIVES UNDER THE NAZIS to respond to Big Stan’s outburst.

I’m not sure whether Marek having to defuse a bomb just outside the bomb shelter or David turning up (and even though he’s far from unscathed, a part of me is irritated than Miriam was vindicated) was the most ludicrous plot twist.

Scorpion 2.19 Ticker

I needed this episode to be entertaining, and it was, mainly because there was so much Team Scorpion like the way they each have a bit to contribute to working things out. Walter and Toby can be obnoxious, mind, both to each other and in general.

It started a bit slowly. The Scorpion Olympics were daft fun - Toby would have us and Happy know that he is NOT gambling and Walter is a grumpy so-and-so because the dating thing did not work (all Waige shippers went ‘huh, yeah, what did you expect and why did you do it anyway?’). Then Walter’s car got rammed (!!!), but it was only to get him to a very calm looking ER (one of many things you didn’t want to scrutinise too closely about this ep) to meet a cute little girl who’d been called in for a heart transplant.

Walter made it all about him, by connecting with her (she was smart for her age) because they both had abnormal organs. SRSLY.

But this was important for when the plot finally kicked into gear and Toby diagnosed, basically, that the hospital was using contaminated blood. Turned out it went a lot wider than that. The team had to work out what blood was contaminated in a matter of hours or the little girl Walter had connected with wouldn’t have her heart transplant.

It boiled down to working out an algorithm that was based on a number that was really important to the baddie. I’d hate this if it were working out a computer password, but this show just sweeps you along. There was also the team having to break into a lorry and get the safe blood of the right, very rare blood type.

I would have sent Happy to do that job, because I'd trust her throwing skills more than Walter's but ‘get Happy to do it’ is my default setting, while the show’s is that ‘Walter is the hero’. We ended up with him joining in/taking over the reprise of the Scorpion Olympics, because he’d learned from all this that living life to the full also includes playing.

Paige was quick to explain she’s not a genius, but like Cabe, contributed her share.

They didn’t really make the most of parallels with Megan (I remember the episode where spores took over the hospital where she was dying).

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uk, home fires, tv, scorpion, films

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