I don't know all the lyrics of Time After Time

Apr 16, 2016 08:07

Parks and Rec 5.15

Although the joke was on Gerry, Ann didn’t get any gifts from the honeymoon either. But that was a promising opening with all that was going on.

Do we have a new nemesis for Councillwoman Knope? Certainly we’ve never heard of this Sun writer before - but they did get most of the other familiar Pawnee media in. An actual thought I had: Wow, we’re so far behind the show is referencing hacking.

Donna seemed to have become Leslie’s most effective assistant, April was really rather sweet over depressed!Andy, Ben’s office was horrifying. The geeky LOTR penpal e-mails were charming!

Although I get why Ann would think Chris was a suitable father for her child, I just probably should hunt up Ann/Ron fic, because the episode gave me feels. They have such an off chemistry.

I like Ann when she is trying really hard at something and failing.

Parks and Rec 5.16

I was amused that Leslie was hyping Pixar so much given that Inside Out happened. The public at the council meeting were funny, partly because they brought so many people back. And the Ron Swanson laugh.

You could also tell that Ann wasn’t going to get the upper hand on forced friend April - does she feel that Leslie’s abandoned her a bit? Okay, they made it a little about her freaking out about waiting on Chris.

I wish Ben hadn’t called Chris’s dilemma the ‘dadcision’. Was Ann really asking him to parent with her or just be a sperm donor?

Jean-Ralphio’s sister was well-cast and well-named. So, let’s expect the roller coaster to end in bankruptcy.

The singing of Time After Time was really touching. As ever, they did find the heartwarming there.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/230990.html.

tv, parks and recreation

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