Air raids and audits

Apr 14, 2016 07:46

Home Fires Series 2, episode 2

Do ALL the episodes need to begin with Steph encountering a sign of the war in silence?

I’d forgotten about the Barderns’ blind evacuee. Sarah sitting outside with Frances during the air raid was a nice bit of sisterhood.

Claire joining Jenny (and Pat) as an operator is a bit convenient, no? I was surprised that she was still Frances’s maid as well.

Joyce Cameron’s return was spoiled by the fact they were crediting the actress last week, but things are clearly awry in her marriage and if her husband thinks she will yield, even if she’s now living in a pokier house, he’s an idiot. However, the scene with Frances was rather moving - mainly thanks to the acting.

Marek is...perceptive. I was able to play guess the next lines with him. (Didn’t Alison know Bob beat Pat? And was Theresa a member during the worst of Joyce’s bad behaviour?) Aaaaand hospitalised Bob was demanding enough to warrant Pat turning down the offer of chair and leaving it to Joyce. Yes, let’s blame Bob, not picnics. I think I'd have liked to see no Marek, although I appreciate they wanted to bring in an international perspective, but rather for Pat to be the chairwoman and gain confidence and then deal with a returning Bob.

Jenny is a bitch - you can see why they’ve kept the character around and given her lots. If they are mellowing Joyce, they may make her this series's antagonist, although there are signs that she's not happy withal.

Miriam standing up for Laura was nice, but she’s still fixated on David to the point where baby clothes that aren’t sixteen years old are an affront !?!? (although Big Stan is giving her a run for her money on the fixated front).

Bless Frances and Sarah for not assuming the 20 per cent in the will meant a mistress/lovechild like I did. Obviously, they put Allison on the case. (I fear the trust fund is for a child, because Frances and Peter had none.)

As I said before, if we’d known Tom in the first series, I think we’d care a little more about him and Laura, while Sarah and her Flight Commander, by being more of a slow-burn than Pat/Marek and this episode’s bed-moving, is drawing out the tension more. I literally found myself wondering why they didn’t do the famed shot from inside the typewriter as a flushed Pat moved it about.

So, we had a WI meeting (yay!) but mainly this episode was about Frances being sad (downer). However, it makes a change for one of the main characters to be the one being cheated on!

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