the marvel show

Jan 26, 2016 06:47

I posted a ficlet on Sunday - Night Sky, MCU, Darcy/Steve 150 words. I’d drafted it before the recent file corruption incident and accidentally saved it somewhere safe (so who knows what fic I will post next or when). It’s the first Darcy/Steve fic I’ve ever written, and turned out a little melancholy.

Agents of SHIELD 3.03

I liked nearly all of the emotional stuff in the episode, actually, but not so much May opening up to Hunter about her and Andrew’s split - it felt a bit unearned at that point.

May saying ‘muppet’ felt so wrong. Obviously, we didn’t need the subtitles in Blighty, and I don’t think the actors were enunciating any more clearly after they went. Have American viewers been complaining about understanding Hunter? There is maybe a time and place to discuss how, despite a diverse cast, AoS really has a lot of fondness for the UK, with two, then three Brits in the regular cast. Is it a hangover from Joss Whedon?

Anyway, back to May, she looked great in the leathers and of course she wanted to fight. That she gave Hunter the idea of the weapon that helped him - cross over a murky line - yes. That’s why he needed her along. It feels like they could have had to take another step to get to nuHYDRA, but this show tears through plot.

Phil will always pick you, Skye-who-is-now=Daisy. Duh. You’re his daughter figure.

That was a great lynch-pin for his actions.

I also thought that we were fine with Daisy identifying with Lincoln because if she could save him, it was validating herself, but also trying to repay him for steadying her after she transformed was nice. Like I said last week, I am open to Daisy/Lincoln (he’s pretty, and this week we had some intriguing backstory that makes me want to know more). Even so, I found the kiss a bit sudden, in a way. I hope that there are no Daisy/Mack consequences, maybe because he’s been so anti-alien, and his stance has only softened a bit towards her. Of course, they want the tensions of different views about how to handle stuff, so he’ll take an opposite view to her about the Inhumans. I did think Phil was boasting too much about SHIELD being able to handle this stuff the best - least awfully would be my description.

It feels like they’re still trying too hard with Phil and Whatshername.

On the other hand, traumatised!Jemma was well-handled. Aww. I hope I go back to liking her as much as I did in season 1.

What I really liked was that they’d developed Fitz and Bobbi’s lab buddies thing - that he’d been there for her over her rehab period. They’re all damaged puppies, aren’t they? Although Fitz’s improvement was lampshaded with ‘antithesis’.

The restaurant gesture was lovely, Daisy coming to see Jemma was lovely. The fight club, less so.

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marvel cinematic universe, agents of shield, tv

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