Nashville season finale

Nov 06, 2015 07:54

Nashville 3.22 Before You Go Make Sure You Know

A so-so dream sequence for Deacon, mainly weird because the show doesn’t tend to do them. But it got the point across.

Juliette is blustering and blaming everyone post-intervention and continuing to be driven (it never occurred to her that Avery could have been her producer if she hadn’t come up with the two-day deadline, and the fact that he’d discovered she’d lied about that wasn’t alluded to directly). Obviously she’s going to break down when she calls Cadence by name.

I know the storyline is about Jeff controlling Layla but I hated how the focus was all on him in their first scene to the detriment of her development. After all, even if Luke was mad with Jeff for being Jeff over Will-in-the-closet, THAT’S WILL’S EX WIFE RIGHT THERE. She might also have something to say on these things. I know the actor playing Jeff is in the credits and the actress playing Layla isn’t, but because of the history, that’s a weird focus for an allegedly lady-centric show.

Speaking of, Will’s father shows his true colours and shatters Will’s hopes a little. Again, having him around explains so much of Will’s choices.

Awww, Caleb, Scarlett wants to move in with you because you fill a grown-up man size hole in her life, not because you’re you.

And I did think Kiley should go back to her parents and face the music alone. Which is harsh, but I’m mainly thinking of her relationship with Micah and how she needs to repair that with due care. However, this is Gunnar’s story and they’re going to crank up the romantic tension.

Rayna is lucky Juliette only called her ‘lady’.

The ‘professional thing only’ sure lasted a long while between the ever mature Gunnar and Scarlett. Palladino pulled off winning rather well in the sincere best wishes for Deacon.

So does Teddy cop to what he did or help bring his former sister-in-law and daughters’ auntie down? No-one cares.

Will, Luke believes in your straightness about as much as, well, he doesn’t. And all the plates came crashing down as Will chose to lie some more.

JULIETTE, if you’re turning to JEFF...Dude. I almost thought he’d see how crazy she was being and turn her down flat, but he’s reverted to Being Jeff Fordham and sees it as a way of climbing back up in the industry.

Kiley says the right things, but she’s still trying to get Gunnar back, however unconsciously. I’m more worried about Micah starting to ship them, and then never mind Gunnar being sensible. But then Scarlett sent Gunnar some night-time lyrics, of course inspired by the uber couple. CAN’T FIGHT THE MUSIC.

Beverlea continues to be crazy and all about undermining Rayna, who will cling to the high road even harder.

And dream sequences are the new flashbacks. (The second one was better because it fit in more with the show’s look.)

Okay, making Teddy’s dilemma reach Rayna’s company is a neat escalation.

Of course Rayna looking out for her is what gets through to Layla. By the way, as I was whinging so much about never seeing it, I note that they’re in Jeff’s house and he has a proper library/study.

Should have seen Juliette go violent coming as they’d so subtly set it up in the advice given by the doctor to Avery (not). But I was mainly going ‘nope, definitely a plastic baby. No way they’d put an actual baby through that stunt.’ Props to Panettiere for the way Juliette was shaking with her rage and sleeplessness. And, of course, Avery snapped and we saw his protective anger come out.

I hoped Luke would be sensible - maybe Juliette was less crazy intense with him than she was when she went to see Jeff. Also, however good the album is, do you want to trust someone so volatile they’d walk away from their label so easily?

And so the fall-out of Juliette turning away from the people who care for her begins. It’s bad enough for Glenn, but it’s going to be worse for Avery.

I know she’s being almost too perfect, but Rayna was great in how she handled Deacon and his fear.

Cue Will deciding to come out at the most dramatic moment, but that led to Juliette’s performing in his spot. The lyrics of the first verse were interesting if they’d come from her and when she’s the one in denial. Waaah, I understand why Avery feels like that was the last straw, but I am so sad that we’ve come to this point - he shouldn’t be driving! - and that Juliette couldn’t take Luke’s offer and take a breather.

Oh, but it’s interesting that Avery is playing the traditionally maternal role here. Yep, clinging on to analysis, instead of wailing ‘get well, soon, Juliette!’ and being as heartbroken as Glenn and Avery.

Fed by the internet evidence, we had crazy!Layla, leading to a microcosm of how messed up she and Jeff are. (Make her a regular, show, and give her character equal weight, because she’s far more sympathetic than Jeff.)

Back in CAN’T FIGHT THE MUSIC (food of love, never mind Kiley’s actual food or sandwiches) there was no good reason for Gunnar to turn up at the hospital, except he wanted to hear Scarlett sing the song they wrote. He could have sung it to her/sent it to her for support as she waited for the results of the operation...Mainly I’m full of glee that they sang over the last montage of the season, and the song was gorgeous enough to create a moment between the characters with very little screentime.

Then we had the requisite cliffhanger as, behind the main action and the girls, Teddy’s arrest was plastered over the telly (the Nashville media has had A FIELD DAY this finale), and Hot Doctor Caleb delivered Rayna a cliffhanger.

I think it’s Beverlea, which I’m disappointed about because I thought there was more Beverlea vs. Rayna with her crazy affecting Deacon and Scarlett to come. But I can’t believe they’ll kill off Deacon, even if they anvilled the music and a systole of the dream where he died becoming truth, because that’s the show’s no. 1 ship (even if this viewer is more invested in relationships we’ve seen chronologically from start to new i.e. Juliette/Avery, Scarlett/Gunnar. So, this isn’t me putting on my tinfoil, I just don’t think they have enough steam in any other Rayna ship, although I’m looking forward to their personal history fuelling Rayna and Luke’s label manager rivalry,) and I don’t think the actor would want to cut and leave, as he gets to sing and do meaty drama.

Of course, the bad news could be something less terminal.I hope I’m not spoiled by the time the next season airs here, because I was spoiled for some big things this season, and it had a deflating effect.

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