This episode evoked some really strong reactions in me, and I don't think I've quite got at or eplained why. It may get ranty under the cut.
Most of this episode made me really rather cross as a female viewer... It got better, but I would love it if this were mainly about Niska, that lady DCI and Mattie and more about Jill Halfpenny’s recovering invalid’s POV about having a good looking synth physio. As I’ve said before, I get where most of the characters are coming from, but I don’t like a lot of them
I’m sure Fred found someone poking around his mind distressing, but that was an informative interrogation for me.
Maybe Laura should have switched Anita off once she’d sat down in the car. Okay, stupid Toby would have been seriously injured/dead. That would be bad, because he’s surely going to grow beyond this phase...of being the adoring pawn. (But he deserved to be shouted at for cycling like that on the road, frankly. Even if his brain isn’t fully developed.) Maybe Laura and Mattie could demand a male synth? Sophie might have a strop, but Sophie is a bit of a princess.
So, Leo is aware he’s a synth, too, if maybe a different kind of one to the other special snowflakes - of whom I like Niska the most. Watching her get to pass AND BE FREE was fun.
I knew the door was going to get it, even if Sneaky!Gepetto didn’t.
I would love for Toby to see Ex Machina or Under the Skin. That’d learn him. As for primary user Dad - Mattie could have done the naked examination. I get where Anita is coming from in using everything to survive (although I don’t get why a domestic synth would need to wear a bra as part of their uniform, really, couldn’t all female ones have breasts small enough that they wouldn’t need one but would still come across as female? Oh wait, men created them and men created this show. Carry on.)
I presume dollies = synths and not synth ‘sex workers’. I think the DCI lady will probably do a better investigative job without Drummond and his Feelings, even if she’s been ordered away from uncovering the truth. The e-cig was quite funny, a rarity on the show. And that’s a problem, although it tells quite a few stories, the tone is a bit same-y.
Laura is failing to be a good lawyer. Instead of flapping about and seeming paranoid she needs to fight better, she should have seen the loopholes for Anita’s lying.
Niska is proving a good channel to vent my angry female viewer feelings about how the female characters are treated. Did Leo take on board what she said about the position he put her in and how that was not keeping her safe? Not really. (And I’m so not on board on his Big Quest to find and save Mia.)
Granted, what then transpired was that it looked like Niska’s self-actualisation was going to make her be very much an anti-heroine, but I still like her more - she did warn the brothel owner - to what Anita was doing, even if Anita is coming from a different place and in a different place. I don’t like how she was written (this seems to be sci fi from guys for guys who are congratulating themselves on how they write women. But they’re failing - to the point where I was getting pretty misandrist for reasons I don’t think I’m explaining well). Aww, Niska’s brother was sweet though But she rejected that as human language - and, again, Leo clearly doesn’t think of Mia/Anita like that, but then he’s a special, special synth snowflake. AND WHY THE STUBBLE?
Maybe Pinnochio should just be recycled (I certainly hope he never gets in a car again, but isn’t leaving him in the woods, where he can’t get powered up, cruel?)
I was disappointed that almost the first thing Niska seemed to be doing was letting some leery bloke chat her up and interrupt her reading, until I realised what she was playing at. Um, yeah, going to need on fine-tuning your psycho radar, my dear. As the show slightly redeemed itself by giving us the peek of Mia and increased competence from Laura and Mattie, I found myself from being pulled back from ‘oh, fine, burn down the house Niska’.
Because though of her programming is making Anita act like the special snowflake shw was, she really isn’t Mia, is she? And Mattie doesn’t have a clue why their synth seems to have a split personality, but is on the case. As was Laura in her own way - I was relieved that did see that it was weird that Anita was able to pick up on her feelings and act accordingly. Still, Anita isn’t going to be a reliable witness, based on that, is she? And mysterious Tom out of the photo... Whatever, so long as mother and daughter compare notes soon.
Is this ‘dream’ going to have more significance than being a shared Blade Runnery one?
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