Nashville 3.6 Nobody Said It Was Going to Be Easy

Jul 08, 2015 07:37

I thought Juliette's moment of clarity with Glenn about seeing the positives would be all we’d get from her. I mean, the Juliette/Avery conversation/fight, although tense by the time Just a Friend With Flowers* arrived was relatively civil for them of late. No, See Where This Goes* is a weird guy, not a great guy, Juliette, but yes, the fact that Avery came all that way is significant and you need to work out what next with him.

The FauxMAs are the big theme of this episode, although I was more interested in how Juliette was shut out after everything that’s happened and where the co-writes of songs fit in than the brewing Ruke storm. I know they’re trying to push Rayna’s integrity, but she just comes off as incredibly naive for someone in her position.

Okay, Gunnar instinctively turning to Scarlett for advice about His Name Is Micah, Your Son’s Name is Micah, rather than Zoe, is typical. Trying (and failing) to set what that means romantically aside, Scarlett gave good advice. Other than that, I still dislike the development of Gunnar also being an unexpected father. It’s just dipping into the well too many times. Who next? Jeff Fordham? Ugh, no, wouldn’t wish that on a child. Perhaps Glenn, as he said he doesn’t have kids last episode and said that that’s how he saw Juliette - she’d hate that he actually had a kid.

Daphne was A+ as the snarky little sister in the divorced dad/teenage daughter negotiations.

The Backing Singer did something vaguely interesting in telling Deacon off as a performer, not as a grump. Is she suddenly going to graduate to Too Good For Being Deacon’s Not Rayna Lady?

Surely Scarlett isn’t one of those paragons who remembers to check through pockets before doing the washing. She just did it for Plot Reasons - even though, beyond hearing Mykelti Williamson sing, there’s nothing much about this plotline. My theory is that it’ll lead Scarlett to performing.

Heh, of course Juliette sacked Zoe, and, less amusingly, of course her idea of working things out with a confused Avery was to give him an either/or ultimatum. (Good on him for rejecting it.)

The actor playing Luke has a good enough voice that the duet wasn’t too bad.

It was only just before the police came in that I realised Maddie was making moves on her future stepbrother. Oh dear. (Given Teddy walking into Jeff’s ‘friendly’ trap, Daphne is coming off as the most mature member of the family.)

Who will write Rayna’s Bonus Single?

And despite not being bothered about the FauxMAs, by announcing she and Avery are having a child, Juliette may have won the first round of campaigning.

*Derek Hough's character.

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