The Harry Potter news and catching up with Nashville

Jun 27, 2015 07:40

My reaction to the news about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child:

‘What, she’s doing a play? Huh, of all seven books? How is that going to work? Adults playing the kids? Multiple actors? Puppets? How long is it going to be? Is it going to be a musical? Or a flop? Wait, it’s a new story. Huh!? Is Harry the Cursed Child?’

And a slow realisation that I’m probably going to end up seeing it, like the proverbial moth...

I found out via a BBC News report that interviewed a girl, red-headed (to remind us of Ginny) and a boy, blonde (to remind us of Draco) asking for their reactions. All of the film footage used was from the early films for maximum cuteness.

Nashville 3.5 Road Happy

So, everyone who is on tour is on the road, making it one of those barely in Nashville Nashville episodes.

I found it a little hard to sympathise with Zoe, because she IS a backing sinter on Juliette the Diva’s tour, so she is pretty much getting the treatment she should have expected (although the pregnancy must have been a surprise). And I also find it a wee bit hard to sympathise with Daphne, who can at least phone her mother and get an answer, whenever, as someone who had to grow up with finding payphones. Plus, she should be used to the touring. I know, the divorce is rather recent and she doesn’t have an extra Daddy like her big sister, but still...

JULIETTE! That was a horrendous way to inform Avery, even after he hurt her with his rant in the last episode, and she basically did it because Emily was getting on her nerves by being right. She is the worst/best.

Being in a private jet turned Daphne into a brat - :(. (But seriously, the touring isn’t a new thing, even if Juke and social media have increased the pressures on the children.)

Micah was quite the twist...

Hi, Juliette, these are consequences to texting your babydaddy with the news. Although it was Glenn who had to deal with Avery’s befuddlement. (I’d forgotten he didn’t know what broke them up. And yes, he was a great influence on her.)

Rayna’s ‘normal family outing’ was obviously never going to work, but I liked that we moved on to Maddie angst over it, although the prioritising of image/beauty made me sad, and sadder than the show wanted me to be, I should think.

The next Zoe-Juliette interaction was weird, as if we’d skipped a step. Noah’s attraction to Juliette is also weird. Apparently people being rude and not interested in you just makes people more attractive to guest characters on this show?

Mildly interesting that Will’s wellbeing is the latest battleground for Luke and Deacon, but Layla is being left to Jeff's horribleness.

Disappointing that Micah turned out to be Gunnar’s son - I was hoping for him to be his nephew - because it’s all too neat with Avery’s paternity issues.

Zoe taking over was mainly to help Juliette out (but nobody else even responded on stage!?) although then she slipped into being the star. I like to think it was watching someone else - with a better voice - taking the limelight that made Juliette faint, not the pregnancy.

I was in an unsettled mood when I watched this, and it didn't really soothe me. The Juliette/Avery developments were ones I enjoyed, but the big development was the reveal for Gunnar, which I'm not excited about. Jeff Fordham had more screentime than Scarlett, who seems to think that co-writing will mean co-dependency, and has now started a new storyline. Mocking Teddy for being so desperate that Jeff Fordham befriends him is not a high point.

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