A little of what I've been up to lately

Jun 22, 2015 09:49

On Saturday night, I caught up with a B99 episode: 2.22 Det. Dave Majors
Amusing as ever. Really tight script. I’m with Charles and Gina, Terry can’t leave! Never mind the good of his family. (It was nice to be fake!worried, I hadn't heard the actor was leaving and could see no reason why he would, as he's clearly having a blast.) Jake’s hero side-stepping the competition between him and Amy for his attention because he fancied her wasn’t exactly a staggering twist, but I am charmed by Peralta/Santiago, so that's fine. That sunglasses business was very eighties.

Loved Rosa’s unique take on love and way of getting her message across to Jake (as Amy Santiago turned into Joey Potter at times.) I also thought Holt wanted Terry to go because it was the best thing for his family, but I loved the return of ‘played you like a fiddle’. And Terry’s eyes popping as he broke the jacket thingy, coming in the middle of constantly funny business, made me laugh pretty loudly.


I read Robin McKinley’s Rose Daughter, a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. It’s much, much better than her Beauty, another retelling of the fairy tale which it turns out was her first novel and, I’m glad, not the first book of hers that I read. I love the writing, the fantasy setting with its own rules of magic that the reader discovers alongside Beauty (whom I should have found more annoying than I did, considering her traits). I especially liked what McKinley did with Beauty’s older sisters. Recommended if you’re in a mood for a fairy tale retelling in a fantasy setting.


Sorry for the old fic spam on Dreamwidth (and AO3) but it occurred to me on Thursday night that now was a good time to repost old fic. (That’s old fic that’s a decade old. Yikes.) Trying to work out what I was thinking in terms of formatting, titles and archiving a decade ago was a faff initially. I revised one and did a little more to another than correct typos. I was so prolific in 2005 and steeped in Dark Angel fandom, more so than I’ve ever been in the one fandom since as both a reader and writer, but since then I’ve been more multi-fannish and even then, alongside the DA fic, there were Harry Potter ficlets. Um, I may repost more fic over the next few days (but then again, I might not. I intended to post this yesterday.)

The starry dividers are a homage to the fact that I used them in fic in 2005, or at least the fic that were longer than vignettes.

The fics I reposed so far are:Take you where you want to go Dark Angel, Max/Alec, teen, angst, 1,648 words. Summary: “She’d told herself that she wouldn’t, however bad things got, she wouldn’t run back here again. He could return, look for memories, but she would bury them.” Snow-wrought Dark Angel, Joshua, Max, Mole, 1,240 words. Summary: It's been snowing in Terminal City, Max asks Joshua to sculpt her something. And its Alec-centric epilogue Still freeze capture 1,084 words. Resignation, aged 13 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Ginny/Harry vignette, 319 words. Holding on to a phoenix's tail feathers Harty Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Ginny/Harry drabble.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/182954.html.

brooklyn nine-nine, crossposted, tv, dark angel, links, comings-and-goings, reading, writing, harry potter, books, list of my fanfiction, self-promoting links, writing meta

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