so what happens next?

Jun 19, 2015 08:51

The Good Wife 6.20 The Deconstruction

Powerful opening because of the echoes.

Diane’s case of the week was the least interesting aspect of the episode. The gran pretending to be an addict was hilarious, though, especially because Diane knew she should have known better than to try to pull a fast one on Cary’s pre-sentencing officer.

On the Lemond Bishop front, Geneva looked like the cat with all the cream of everyone trying to turn on Bishop to protect each other. I felt like urging poor, used Dexter to run, but poor, used Dexter was the lieutenant of a huge drug dealer. I should be saving my sympathy for Dylan in this whole scenario (although Kalinda calling Bishop ‘sir’ was giving me weird Jane Eyre flashes. Would Jane Eyre work if Jane was hired to be Adele’s bodyguard?) This episode’s proof that Kalinda/Cary was never going to be what Cary wanted it to be was Kalinda not letting him protect her - especially when his attempts to do so put her in more danger. Still, Kalinda had the sense to run.

But as for Alicia’s future with the firm, I don’t get why Diane and Cary would want David Lee to be a named partner of ‘whatever it’s called’. A line about how much his family law work brought in would help. Yes, I know they made him partner to create tension, but there’s still no intrinsic good reason for the characters to have promoted him and I was stuck on that the whole episode

On the face of it, Peter asked Alicia good questions and was properly supportive. My thoughts were: if Alica couldn’t restart Florrick Agos in the old, leaking haunt, why not start a firm with Finn and his blue, blue eyes?

It felt like Kalinda Says Goodbye, big time, but I was painfully aware that the two actresses weren’t in frame together, not even in the flashbacks to when Alicia and Kalinda were real friends, so Kalinda being able to untangle things felt like a Pyrrhic victory with the bleedthrough from real life. I don’t expect actors to all get on as well as they say they do or to have the relationships they depict on screen - in fact, in many cases, quite the opposite - but I do want people whose work I admire to be able to behave as professionals around each other and for their issues not to get in the way of their work. Anyway, Kalinda’s victory turned out to be meaningless as RD went ‘me or Alicia’ and the firm picked him. It just felt like an unsatisfactory exercise, watching everyone run around, chasing each other's tails, and I was distanced from Alicia as she broke down, so it was a less powerful ending.

One wordless scene from Czuchry at the end and I’m thinking how woefully they’ve underused Cary from the middle of this season on.

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