Home Fires - episode 5

Jun 14, 2015 09:08

March 1940

I watched this with a great need for as many characters as possible to be kind to each other. At least one of those who obliged was a huge, but pleasant surprise.

Steph looking worried about the signs of war - this time a convoy - is quite the feature of this show. I was touched by watching Steph sign her name for the first time. She must have put a cross by her name on her marriage certificate.

My immediate reaction was that ‘of course Frances should take on her blind evacuee because her house is big#, but then we learned about the difficulties with the route to the shelter because of the big house. I did think there were a few moments of ‘she’s blind, not deaf’ but it looks as though Isobel is staying, so hopefully they’ll develop her. I’m glad Cookie is becoming a bigger character, because I think it’d be good to have an even bigger spread in age among the characters.

The ‘tonic’ came home to roost, I laughed until Erica started cataloguing the ways in which Bob was a domestic abuser.

So, in this episode, we learned that Older Wing Commander Lech is Married with Kids, making Laura the Other Girl (however much she might try to come over all grown up with Stan). And, of course, with him being her boss, she can’t put a stop to anything that makes her uncomfortable. Because she did go along with all this, flattered by the attention after Kate got romance with Jack.

Meanwhile, in the other onscreen affair, Sarah’s officer tried out the ‘can cook’ manoeuvre. Oh, Sarah. Respect to Mrs Cameron for not being a Nazi, but the villagers turning into a mob over Spencer was an example of where Adam should have stayed for his parish.

Bond sold Frances’s speech to Mim powerfully. Something needed to be said to Miriam...and she needed to see the doctor, but that speech was a good one. It wasn’t just the reference to infertility or Frances wielding her authority, it was the shared history.

And Bob (who isn’t going to get even the redeeming features Joyce Cameron gets) is back, unsedated. Ugh. (I do feel sorry for the actor.)

Excellent double-take from Sarah at seeing Mrs Cameron at the big opening.

I felt that, after being referred to by Frances, her husband should have been there t the unveiling of the shelter at their house, even if it was a WI achievement.

Claire going after Spencer was the moment of her taking matters into her own hands that I wanted for her.

Some of this episode’s compositions were extremely pretentious - I felt the shot of two people talking in the mirror shot was overused to no purpose.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/180287.html.

uk, home fires, tv

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