Last night, I...

Jun 04, 2015 07:45

Caught up with these shows because the latest episodes are on tonight:

TGW 6.19 Loser Edit

I wondered if Finn would think Kalinda’s lawyer was Alicia, not Diane, and how that’d influence his behaviour. Finn and Kalinda haven’t interacted so much before, have they? While I’m glad to see the return of Wylie, the Colombo-like investigator, it just makes me wonder what happened to that other investigator. You know, the one named Robyn...

They ripped the test case from Northern Ireland, didn’t they?

Well, Eli’s a lot more articulate than Josh, Mr Blah blah himself. With ‘you’re gross’ etc, he pretty much descended to the playground.

I thought for a second we were going to have the editor play the judge role about the ethics of such a story.

The imaginary scenarios were cheap and cheesy, as was the colouring in/black and white effect in Petra’s piece. Plus the Kalinda in a lift beat and Diane’s foot on the pedal were a little too broad, although I liked the kids running riot through the offices, especially as Kalinda looked at them, aghast at their essence.

I wasn’t entirely sure why Diane went to do the mock trial. I suppose the challenge and believing would mean she could nip it in the bud?

Kind of horrible and tragic again for the viewer to watch something that played out so complexly over so many years (Alicia’s role as Peter’s wife and her feelings about that, him and Will, not to mention what she did) being reduced like this. And that’s a weighty thing to type. Am I talking about this season? Well, I’m raising the question.

Ah, Marissa, mocking Eli - who finally had to face the truth about Alicia/Will - and coming up with the sensible solution of bringing Peter in. Less fireworks, but quite an interesting conversation between them.

Jugular! (My head canon is that Robyn did the research for Diane.) I know that both Diane and Whatshisface got to be passionate and high-minded in arguing for their stances, but I did think that he should get used to the fact that a lawyer like Diane would pull whatever stunt like that she could to win.

Thing is, with Kalinda, ‘contain’ could be quite threatening in slightly different circumstances. She certainly didn’t blink at Geneva being accused of what she’d done.

I have to admit I hadn’t remembered Petra from before. I enjoyed watching Peter ooze confidence as he got to reveal she’d been played.

Fair enough to go after rigged machines or an accusation thereof - but I DO remember that the last time the show went after vote tampering (for Peter’s election) it went into a game of which cup is the ball under, instead of anywhere very deep.

B99 2.20 AC/DC

Injured!Jake was amusing. Could well believe that he couldn’t give up the case or work,even before we got to know why (I thought it was avoidance of the Sophia and paternal fall-out) while I never believed the fancy Atlantic City story for a second.

Holt and Rosa’s awkwardness at the personal stuff was great...and yeah, good script.

Also, is it sad to feel reassured about your Ravenclawness?

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brooklyn nine-nine, the good wife, tv

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