Friday night's TV

Apr 25, 2015 08:19

I had a good night of watching action heroics on TV, mostly involving female characters, last night.

Agents of SHIELD - 2.15 One Door Closes

I thought this was flat-out good and involving. I really enjoyed all the action women and competence. Bonus points for giving us more Lucy Lawless in the flashback after introducing her to kill her off at the start of the season.

We had Bobbi versus Melinda fighting, Melinda versus real continuity SHIELD, Skye and her powers - we even had Jemma outsmarting Bobbi, which was excellent and a bit redeeming after the past few weeks, and, while running concurrently with Mac-Fitz, traded on their past and our Agents of SHIELD being betrayed all over again. Plus, I even sided with Coulson a lot.

I noticed what beautiful eyes the guy playing Mac had more than I ever have this episode - very mesmerising.

So, Skye was in a house Banner built (was that in one of the Hulk movies, which I haven’t seen? Or was it just Age of Ultron build-up?) The lists of people who think Coulson is dead and Fury is dead and are going to be disabused of that is not one of the things I care about. I kind of hope the Avengers find out about Phil in the first five minutes because I've been over it for nearly two years.

Lola got used as a metaphor again.

I really liked ‘Jemma’ and ‘Leo’s’ little spat - all set aside when facing a common enemy. (Huh, Weaver is Mrs Abbot in The Mentalist.)

Palicki had a brilliant episode with Bobbi's tangled loyalties and regret, cumulating in facing off Skye with that idiot agent - the extraction went about as well as you’d expect. I loved that when it came down to it, SRO May trusted her agent (and did her utmost to keep her safe). I very much liked how Skye had to deal with her powers, her gloves and the new information and viewpoint she was given by whatshisface. It made sense that she turned to him after such a huge display of powers, and it’ll be interesting to see her and Rayna.

One of these days, I should really read some May/Coulson because there's so much material for it from canon. May really was epic in this episode - the second we knew the real, continuity SHIELD was missing her, it became obvious they were going down. They’re about as muddled a bunch as out SHIELD remnants. Fury set about a dozen things in train, didn’t he?

Then there was the POI catch-up (on my TV screen). 3.5 Razgovor.

It was mainly about Shaw and her functioning psychopathy (???) or whatever it is. So, I really enjoyed it! I did think having the NotW be a girl of about Shaw’s age in the flashback was too much on the nose, but I liked Gen - even though she was old enough to think through telling everyone, including the drug dealers, that she was training to be a spy, when she was recording them, was not a smart thing to do. And the show was selling her as smart.

Anyway, watching Shaw have to deal with a kid, Finch have to deal with Shaw amd analogue technology, and John having to deal with Carter was fun. The moment where the NotW and Carter’s mission met was excellent, and the last chunk, as ever, turned everything around. I gave a literal, Orphan Blackesque yelp at the end of the episode.

I loved Carter having been on to Laski, and being in actual control of the situation in the bar. I wanted to applaud her.

Shaw is just in it for the dog! Except of course not, and her version of taking the NotW’s safety personally was awesome - especially watching her drag herself around all-bleeding and having to do self-medical aid on the run. You don’t mess with her.

I did think that the paramedic’s judgment of her as a kid was harsh - I mean, she could have been traumatised. Well, she was. AND SHE WASN’T DEAF, SIR. I query whether she’s a psychopath, but I am not a psychologist and I doubt that the show has one on call.

John had his moments, because obviously it wasn’t nitro glycerine (why would he carry it around?) but it was a suitably nasty way of getting the bad guy to talk, and the fight with the HR cop, after getting rid of the back-up, was cool, especially followed by Shaw’s rescue of Gen. Which was cooler.

I loved most of the reveals, and I love the space it’s giving to its new female character. The solution of making Gen a ‘ward of a reclusive billionaire’ made me snicker, and Gen’s take on Shaw was lovely - so much so that I hope Gen actually met Bear. (What are they going to do with her over the holidays, though?)

And then I was all ‘why are you sleeping on the shoulder that was injured, Shaw?’ (Bad continuity - maybe it was shot before.) And then BAM! ROOT! Now I’m left wondering if this was Root’s idea or the Machine’s idea.

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marvel cinematic universe, agents of shield, heroines, tv, person of interest, batverse

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