another show caught up on

Apr 08, 2015 09:17

The Good Wife 6.10 The Trial

I hoped it would turn out that judge had been making other anniversary plans that fell through and wasn’t really just trying to book the concert tickets on the day.

When I realised what they were doing, via the Geneva segment, I was unconvinced about the structure of showing what’s going on behind the scenes with the other parties involved in Cary’s trial alongside business as usual (i.e. chaos) for Alicia’s campaign.

(Finally, JACKIE turned up! Granted, it wasn’t to do much, but I’m sure that’ll come) Marissa is proving invaluable as a ‘body woman’. Yes, that’s how long it’s taken for me to absorb her name.

I did like how they showed the juror’s coping mechanisms, making it clear his grasp of what was going on wasn’t as poor as it seemed. I also liked their taking the POV of someone outside the system - and showing that the judge was more professional than he’d previously seemed. But I do think that they could have done more with an episode playing with POVs.

I loved that they addressed my immediate concerns about the timing of Alicia’s joke and had Grace acknowledging her responsibility for using the note as an example of the free speech/satire discussion. Because I had been thinking Grace was old enough to know better than to do that.

Well, that was an excellent talk between Alicia and Finn. Not. As he said in the last episode, it could be really simple for them, but they’re not going there. So we’re going to have awkward talks like the one in what I still remember as Will’s old office. However, the following scene in the diner between Alicia and Finn worked really well (could have worked better if we’d had one mention of a potential storm), partly because of Alicia’s recognition that it was absurd. But it did work in ramping up the UST. I’m still not shipping them, per se, but I’m enjoying the complicated developments.

Poor Dylan.

Apart from the ethics of the thing, amateur hour is why Alicia should stand up to Grace’s teacher’s demand for patronage. However, it was very slick for Eli and John to use Peter’s patronage as a way of handling it. I did wish that Alicia had gone after whether they’d leaked the Prady story or not, because it was left a little unresolved as to whether they’d listened to her on that. I’m assuming they did and the story broke anyway, but I’d like to know.

Really good acting from Czuchry as a ragged Cary, and lovely recognition of his relationships with Kalinda, Diane and Alicia. I’d hoped he would find a way to fight and for Bishop to be brought down especially when he offered to bribe Cary, who wouldn’t run out of loyalty to his partners. I still hope that Bishop gets what he deserves, if not by Castro’s hands. (The actor playing Bishop is going to be playing Luke Cage, right?)

The ending left me gaping a bit, which is nothing new for the show, obviously. But Cary unable to practice law, and left to take the rap for something he didn’t do. That is he did sign up to working for Bishop, and he’s a lawyer as excercised by winning as much as justice, but still.

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the good wife, tv

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