last night's TV

Feb 20, 2015 09:11

The Good Wife 6.04 Oppo Research

Alicia’s blouse for the beginning of the show was an ugly monstrosity and I spent a lot of time hating it. It totally undermined the claim that she looked better than in the stand-by-your-man clip.

To weightier (?) things: as soon as I saw Mr Elfman, I had no truck with Alicia dithering about whether she was running. Not that I would have anyway, given the build-up. He seemed to be thinking he was in a Sorkin show, but he was asking pertinent questions and no, Peter, no scars.

I was glad the show was thinking along the same lines as me about the lack of the wider family (still no onscreen Jackie, though) and what a way to bring them back! Zach’s secret was HUGE. I am wondering when it fit into the Neesa crying down the phone and bringing in the family’s unwanted snoopers thing. Alicia was so mad, and it was a lot about the lying, but also that the boy she tried to protect so much is gone.

As ever, all the elements they threw together were mightily amusing, as they always are when Alicia’s life gets chaotic. It was especially fun to see Eli balance his responsibilities to Peter and Alicia, working with Nora and finding out that Lauren the intern was not what he should have been worried about. It’s amusing that he operates as a kind of Alicia/Peter shipper, and, of course, he didn’t know about Kalinda. (Apart from the adultery and Kalinda’s ensuing relationship with Alicia, she slept with him to get a passport, basically, which is ALSO shady).

Kalinda being rightly terrified of Bishop (all I could think was that maybe taping the conversation with Bishop would be better than a gun, except it probably wouldn’t) adds to the interesting portrait we’re getting of her this season. I had got as far as thinking that he’d be working out how Alicia as SA could help him - he’d think she’d be in his pocket - but not that he was behind the fundraising PAC. THAT was a zinger, and it’s been building up all the years she’s been his lawyer. (Given that, the fact that Canning and David Lee are coming after her and the firm, Sweeney hasn’t made an appearance to compete for most repulsive client, Castro has barely begun and we don’t know if anyone else is going to be in the race, I am so looking forward to what happens next.)

Taking advantage of having today off, I then watched The Mentalist
7.2 The Greybar Hotel

It was, again, A DELIGHT. “I’ll wait for you.” Heh.

Sadly, no muffin was involved in this break-out. (I do want fic about Lisbon and Jane’s response to nearly being shot dead together, because we got nary a scene of that. Boo.)

I’d seen Lisbon in a prison suit in five’s trailer for this season, and it was one of the intriguing aspects, but I loved how it played out, as commentary on Teresa/Patrick, in how Lisbon was urged to build a rapport with Maria and in what she revealed about how she saw her relationship with her con man. We even got her admitting to the denial that’s been going on, probably for longer than the show will ever let her admit, in my shippy opinion.

The second she stepped in I was panicking about shivs and someone recognising her, liking the wavier hair, so I was quite impressed by Jane’s calm. OF COURSE he decided to stage a break-out when the rest thought she was tapped out as a source, because when is he not going to do the flashy thing.

And yes, Vega, this is the sort of thing you’ve got to get used to. I don’t quite know how to read the final conversation with Cho - is it her clinging on to him as the last bastion of the regimented order she craves? Because that isn’t going to work. You just have to let Jane get you doing illegal things and take your car on this team. OR are they setting up a Wylie/Vega/Cho triangle? Because Wylie was cute with her and I think they’re nearer in age and life experience, plus love triangles can and do go so terribly wrong.

But I will say this: Wylie was so right about not taking Jane’s cup and saucer, rookie! Even if it wasn’t getting in the way of Jane and his ritual of tea, it’s terrible office kitchen manners. TERRIBLE. She isn’t just a rookie cop, she’s a rookie in the world of work, clearly.

Abbott got some excellent scenes. They’re surely going somewhere with the fact that his wife may be going to DC, right? Possibly tied into the end of the show. I hearted him for calling Lisbon one of his best people, because I’m soft.

I wouldn’t say we saw much of Lisbon living off her wits, she was mainly following Jane’s advice, but it was entertaining to see her play crossing the line to be the career criminal until she came up against Cole and Maria’s brand of gleeful crazy. Maria wanting money to buy stuff at the garage was a bit of a misdirect. I was glad Cho pressed down hard on Cole for killing the assistant in the way that he did (and being so cavalier about Maria, who’d shielded him).

I liked how the plot worked out, because I’d thought that Abott and Cho shouldn’t be in the chase car as Maria knew their faces, so it was nice that Maria later recognised Jane. The clues Lisbon and Jane had left paid off (and guh his trust in her ability to take care of herself, which is entirely merited) but it got mighty close there, and all we get is ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘That’s okay.’

There was one scene early on where Baker’s accent wavered loads. Anyway, the much heralded return of Baccarin next week...

I’m starting to think all shows should have a lap of honour mini-season.

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