catching up = a mixed bag

Feb 05, 2015 19:39

B99 The Jimmy Jab Games

Such silliness! I loved where the name of the games came from and how daft they were. Holt’s rivalry and Hitchock blackmailing Charles were perfectly ludicrous. I was glad Rosa got recognised for being the most sensible one in the building, although I hope Katie, for her sake, had found someone else, and I don’t mean that in a blocking my ship way. For, speaking of, as Amy isn’t available, I don’t think the whole moving on by moving on idea is a bad one, necessarily. But as a shipper/viewer, I want to qualify ‘isn’t available’ with ‘at the moment’. Anyway, I laughed a lot.

Wolf Hall

Ep 3 Anne Regina

Not such a strong episode, I thought. I felt that the flashbacks to show us why Thomas Cromwell wanted revenge on the young(ish) bucks at court and Henry Percy were heavy-handed, among other things, like the parallels that were going on and some anvils about the future. For yes, John’s Seymour’s daughter was Jane - I thought it was ambiguous as to whether Cromwell felt sorry for her, liked her for herself or thought she’d be useful. For we saw a little of him too being in thrall to Anne’s charms, even though he knows better. I liked her acknowledgement that they have much in common, though my feeling was that she’s racing ahead too hard, while he knows to tread more carefully. But they both didn’t get why Baynham (sp?) wouldn’t, couldn’t recant. (And whoa, that moment where he was simply reading from the Bible in English, and the reaction to it were powerful.)

I liked the moment where he and we realised Mary really wasn’t pining after him, and the visceral moment where she realised Thomas, good with a knife, was leaving her with Edward Whoever, who wasn’t.

I was glad his sister in law (Joan?) broke it off - as the scene was bookended with him mistaking her for her sister.

So, Henry was drunk when he declared that big line about having the power to make or break Cromwell that made it into the trailer. Though I smirked as Cromwell did indeed get to be in charge of the Jewel House, with Anne being the flashiest of the three queens on show, the serious point that lust-addled though he was, Henry was King, ran beneath it all. But the fact that Thomas could tell Henry Percy that the real power lay in trade (TRADE! Not the nobility! I'm probably not the person to dissect all that was going on with class, but it was everywhere) and for it to be true undercuts even that.

Anyway, it’s about time I mentioned the costumes, which in the crowd scenes were flabbergasting - Anne’s massive wedding gown, all the reds, the iconic head garb. My favourite Anne gown was the yellow (I thought much of what she wore wasn’t flattering for one reason or another). That colour was so startling in the context.

I feel I should have more coherent and deep thoughts, but my brain is frazzled, which made it time to catch up a little bit with Revenge - I'm about two episodes behind.

4.3 Ashes

I wasn’t worried about Emily, but for what it’s worth, I did like the slight flip of showing Jack not listening to advice and going into the bar - and finding and rescuing her. There was even relative restraint in the shot of him saving her life. So I could enjoy his happiness and relief that she was alive.

Aww, Nolan brought balloons, and aww, he was there for Jack, like Emily, blaming himself, until he realised Charlotte had done the deed. Seeing as Jack had just been looking at a picture of Declan, you’d think he might understand where Emily was coming from in protecting her half-sister a little better, but manufactured tension Muse Be Had! (Except it dissipated, so why bother?)

It was nice to see Victoria realise that Emily’d dug the knife in that little deeper with postcards to make the children think she’d abandoned them. Charlotte should be used to it.

Among all the daftness, what made me roll my eyes was that Victoria was trying to convince Charlotte - who tried to kill herself so recently AND admitted to losing control and trying to kill someone AND caused massive damage to a property - that David is too fragile to cope with everything. Join David (and Margeaux) in the patsy corner, Charlotte.

Victoria pulling a shotgun on Emily was something - well, the cause of Last of the Mohican jokes from me. I’m sure she’ll rue not simply pulling the trigger as her immensely satisfying but overly complicated plan goes awry.

Heh, Jack’s partner cop got metaphorically shot down, though.

Nolan was nearly the heart of this episode. I liked Van Camp’s underplaying of Emily in this state. But then we had this idea of Jack (gasp!) Moving On, and how this step was introduced to Emily, and - setting aside my shipper tendencies as much as I can - he realised how he could have lost Emily, and that people matter most. I was surprised by how well that worked, giving hope for a new post revenge life and setting up the end of the episode, with the picture of them as kids (plus Sammy, SO CUTE!) preparing us for the half-recognition making David waver. It was relatively impressive that they found a way of making Nolan credibly rescue Emily.

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brooklyn nine-nine, uk, tv, revenge: the tv series, watching

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