2014 in fannish review

Jan 12, 2015 21:46

I'm in no mood to watch Revenge tonight, so I give you this adapted and melded meme.

Your main fandoms of the year

Downton Abbey, in terms of fic output!? (Certain quarters of) Harry Potter and the Marvel Cinematic Universe in terms of fic reading. The Good Wife, Person of Interest and Parks and Recreation - though I was behind to varying degrees on all these shows, so I didn’t feel ‘in fandom’ as much as I did with Strictly Come Dancing or even The Mentalist.

Best film you watched this year

12 Years a Slave (although if the question was Favourite Film, it’d be The Lego Movie.

Your favourite book read this year

The Dubious Hills by Pamela Dean. (Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell would come a close second.)

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year

‘Abandon Window’ by Jon Hopkins always made me relax when I listened to it.

Your favourite TV show of the year

The Good Wife - how many shows can you say that the fifth season was amazing about?

Your best new fandom discovery of the year

Of all the new TV shows, Brooklyn Nine-Nine was the one I flat-out enjoyed the most. Oh, and books-wise, I came across the Devi Morris books by Rachel Bach. I’ve read the first two in the trilogy. Mercenary heroine IN SPACE. Excellently thought-out worldbuilding.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year

That The Bletchley Circle was cancelled and that there is still no Black Widow movie forthcoming.

Your biggest squee moment of the year

Going to see Veronica Mars at the cinema.

The Lisbon/Jane kiss at the end of the sixth season of The Mentalist, after all the build-up and TPTB’s long dance with the ship, threats of cancellation focused the mind.

Watching the anime bit in Community’s Foosball and Nocturnal Viglanteism on DVD.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to

If Jane the Virgin and/or Agent Carter get picked up by UK Freeview channels, I will watch them. I may watch Wolf Hall.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the coming year

The return of The Good Wife, Parks and Recreation, Person of Interest and Sherlock.

Films - Jupiter Ascending (as I typed last year), Avengers 2, the Spooks film, save Kit Harrington's hair.

The extended edition of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies DVD (moar dwarves, pls).

Favourite M/F couples of 2014: Based on new canon: Leslie/Ben (Parks and Recreation), Juliette/Avery (Nashville), Jane/Lisbon (The Mentalist), Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne (thank you for reminding me of this OTP, Gotham), Adam/Eve (Only Lovers Left Alive), Steve/Natasha (Captain America 2 - although I ship both with others), Baxter/Molesley (Downton Abbey) Mindy/Danny (The Mindy Project, although there were ups and downs).

Also Sherlock/Molly in a delayed reaction to season 2 of Sherlock and John/Aeryn (Farscape) because they’re still my OTP.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/151358.html.

the mentalist, tv, films, gotham, farscape, writing, gratitude, meme, parks and recreation, veronica mars, downton abbey, the mindy project, brooklyn nine-nine, sherlock, the good wife, uk, batverse, spooks, dvds, watching, strictly come dancing, poptastic, marvel cinematic universe, nashville, community: the tv series, person of interest, the bletchley circle, books, shipping

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