Return from Easter island (ish)

Apr 20, 2004 14:08

So I'm back online. Which is lovely, although it's going to take a while to catch up with everything I want to. However, while I was prepared for being without the net for the last fortnight or so, I had to go without Word for a week too long. I was as twitchy I was on the morning I went to see ROTK for the first time and there were problems ( Read more... )

my film reviews, buffyverse, tv, all ackles's fault, dvds, comings-and-goings, reading

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profshallowness April 20 2004, 08:17:09 UTC
Aw, shucks.

I'd been spoiled for Cordy running off with Gru and turning white and glowy, but watching it was bizarre. What irked me was that they wrote off Cordy's relationship with Wesley in favour of love triangles. Just. One. Scene. After. What. He. Did. To. Baby. Connor. And what about Dennis the ghost's feelings? And I think from what I've seen I'm an Angel/Cordy friendshipper in the end.

I watched the features and the writers seemed so proud of themselves "Cordy goes up, Angel sinks down, see, symbolism," and all I could think was "yeah, way to avoid dealing with the whole curse thing," because what fascinated me was whether or not he'd have reverted to Angelus. He might well not have and then there would be angst. Or indeed if he did, there would be Angelus and chaos. Instead there were glowy special effects as Cody followed the trajectory of Wesley Crusher apparently. Yippee.

As to the Buffybot/Gru fic, I would also love to see one with Harmony involved. If I do find one ever, I will rec it.

Ugh, I've just been reminded of a horrible, horrible Buffy AU pairing in a piece of profic that I read over the hols. (A very good argument for putting headers in such things although the words "based on the computer game" should in all honesty have put me off.) (It's a spoiler for 'Chaos Bleeds' so scroll down if you're feeling strong-minded

- Dru/Adam. My lovely, lovely Dru with that universe of inertia. There was much weeping from both Spike and I)


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profshallowness April 20 2004, 23:43:34 UTC
I don't know that I'd got a brother and sister vibe from Angel and Cordy as such, but I did love the friendship between them and Wesley and how it had the Sunnydale past, but the team work and respect (but healthy disrespect) at its base. Add to that that they over-egged the pudding with the romance and it came off a lot less compelling than it should have.


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