mixed bag

Oct 15, 2014 08:39

Strictly results - week 3/movie night

Although Mary Poppins probably would never wear that outfit, that pro opening number was great fun. Donnie Osmond’s singing was competent enough to be a perfectly pleasant background to Anton and Joanne’s dance. (Apparently Twitter disliked his judging.) Learning that Anton was bellowing at Judy throughout the spinning lift made me glad she was through to next week safely, the woman deserved it. Simon’s vote collapsed, then (perhaps because most of the other middle-of-the-boarders improved, except maybe Alison, but she and Aljaz have their megawatt smiles to charm), but it was always going to be Jennifer out of those two.


First of all, it is very amusing that a Marvel property is sponsoring the show on five.

Episode 1- I was aware that the response to the show so far hasn’t been madly excited, and I can see why. It wasn’t a great pilot, with the almost overwhelming case of the Waynes’ deaths and introducing everyone, a lot of it felt rushed, with no time for much to land. I thought that the introduction of Jim Gordon was a bit terrible as a scene - why, apart from being the anointed hero, did he automatically barge in? I’m not opposed to his way of handling the (mentally ill, though) criminal, or to watching Ryan Attwood all growed up, clenching his jaw and so on, but, really, promising he’d get the killers was green rather than noble and not sensing from the outset that Pepper was a gift wasn’t good detective instincts.

I liked the visuals, mostly, the look of Gotham and of many of the interiors. Some shots seemed a bit pointlessly gimmicky like the close up of Jim’s face in one of the chase sequences. I also liked the look of most of the characters - although the final time we saw Selina, I did feel a little tired of that pose of her, especially as we’d regressed from the kineticism of wee!parkour!Selina in the opening scene. I will grant them that having her witness that iconic scene was a new spin.

I thought the boy playing Bruce was really good in the last scene. I also thought the actor playing Oswald was a blast although the character’s psychology is all over the place, but the glimpse of fellow skinny white boy/future supervillain Nygma was a bit samey. I presume that other girl was Poison Ivy (except I thought her name was Pamela Isley, but maybe there are other comics iterations?) Fish Mooney was even better, partly because there’s no baggage and partly because Pinkett Smith was relishing the part.

I don’t know how they’re going to make a whole series (and more?) out of this, and I hope it settles down tonally.

The Mindy Project 2.17 Be Cool

Hee, hee. Why did I put off catching up so long? The set-ups leading to the misunderstandings that reached their apex at a work party at Mindy’s flat (of course) worked pretty well and the jokes too. ‘I am such a slob-I’ve been burgled!’ <3 And as they lampshaded New Doctor’s skeeviness, he was good as her friend (when Mindy later said she had friends, I wondered if she’d actually seen any of her girl friends since coming back from Haiti. And, on that point, Betsey’s confession of love for Danny was tragic, since it was a callback to an episode right at the beginning of the season, which was the last time she had much of anything to do.)

And then by the end, Mindy was legitimately hurt and upset - and making most of the valid points! Though Danny’s freak-out made sense. Awww. I liked the passing old couple in the background as Danny had to live with himself after hurting his best friend, who he probably loves.

So, I’m two episodes behind on that show.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/135746.html.

uk, tv, batverse, strictly come dancing, gotham, the mindy project

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