Danny and beverages was a running theme

Sep 18, 2014 21:35

Caught up on The Mindy Project

2.14 The Desert

So, previously, Cliff broke up with Mindy because she lied about going to Casey’s party and, months before that, I got spoiled that Mindy and Danny were going to get together.

Probably best not to think about how/why Morgan and the New Doctor went back to NYC before the other two, and enjoy Danny needing Mindy’s support to face his father and being in such a state that he cracked through her selfishness enough for her to realise he needed her help. Repeatedly.

Not that the guys who ‘set up’ Mindy and Cliff being stuck in the loo and having to listento his sad break-up karaoke wasn’t funny.

Mindy and Danny provided a good example of the no boundaries message nicely in their first half interaction.

Danny was a mean drunk (though right about Cliff breaking up with Mindy meaning that he probably didn’t want to be with her as a basic principle). The rapprochement with his father was nicely handled, and Dan Hedeya was well cast. I liked Mindy hanging with Little Danny (remember that time she used to hang out not only with women, but girls, there was that neighbour and her goddaughter in season 1!?)

I was fascinated by how Danny’s glasses split up. Not sure if I liked it, but fascinated.

By the time he’d got to ‘force me to be the best version of myself’ he was obviously talking about her, given what had happened recently (although was he also quoting something?) I liked the callback with the turbulence and that deciding him to go kiss her. I’m torn about the kiss. I’d certainly like to hear Mindy deconstruct her feelings, whether she was just swept up in the kiss or not. (Did it live up to Gone With The Wind or even the New Girl kiss that was memed? This is why I’m torn.) I mean we know she cares about Danny, but I don’t think we’ve seen her realise it anywhere near as much as he has.

That is not to say that I don’t think they could be a great couple - if she hadn’t been wittering on about (not) getting back to Cliff in between enjoying her food, I would have expected the new Castellanos to assume she was Danny’s girlfriend.

2.15 French Me, You Idiot

I laughed a lot more at this. I want Mindy and Danny to be happy (she said she was in love with him! In a truth by lying way) but that doesn’t mean I can’t laugh at them. What could possibly go wrong with those two going to the airplane toilet or kissing in a church during a funeral in front of all those candles?

Hello, Jeremy, how nice of you to make an appearance in this ep. Or any ep. For however long. Although New Doc’s ballet meltdown was funny, as was Morgan’s grandmother love. Lots of funny set-ups, plus Danny looking at Mindy like that, when she was totally being Mindy and her channelling her crazy at Operation Break-Up but facing up to her feelings about Danny. I enjoyed that. I’m curious about how they’ll handle Mindy and Danny as a couple and, first things first, the rest of their colleagues’ response.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/132138.html.

tv, shipping, the mindy project

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