Orphan Black 2.8 Variable and Full of Pertubation

Jul 01, 2014 09:04

I fell behind..I’m still behind after watching this (I’m so glad that every episode is on iPlayer) and got spoiled for one thing because of it.

Specifically, I was spoiled for Tony. I didn’t foresee how they’d play it out - the connection with Beth, the monitor revealing Paul’s true status to Team Clone or the interaction with Felix. I was glad that they didn’t keep the truth from Tony for too long, or I would have believed that he’d have mistrusted them more - and I don’t think they mentioned Helena explicitly, which might be interesting should they cross paths. Don’t know if Tony’s come across anything like her. But that took away one big shock.

For all the conflict that Tony might bring in his wake if/when he comes back into town, I don’t want Cosima to have to go to make way for him, although it looked like, with all that happened in this episode, mostly her insisting that Delphine accepts the needs of the many over Cosima, she’s finally being written out. One of those boys really hated that she was thrashing him at RPG,

Otherwise, more of how screwed up Rachel is and more of how screwed up Alison and Donnie are (what ARE their kids going to turn out like!?). The fact that he too has accidentally killed someone and she can clean up his mess, plus the new honesty, may save their marriage. It’s the blackest comedy in the midst of the maelstrom. (Hey, can we meet her mother, if everyone hates her?)

Meanwhile, well done, Ethan Duncan on having a back-up means of delivering information. I don’t mind him keeping secrets from Mrs S. It’s faecinating that he gave it to Kira. Obviously, he was seeing similarities between her and his daughter at that age, but at the same time there was the detachment of knowing that Rachel was a successful clone, while Kira was the result of a failure - monstrous? A problem? And yet, she’s the one he entrusts with the information.

I now wish I remember when the last time we saw Paul was. And the whole ghost thing, if it is ghosts plural, they have to be working for another player - I thought it was official military types before and I still think it is because of what we know of Cal. You’d have thought enough would have happened to make them become more visible though. Of course, Paul may have gone dark because of what happened to Sammy, rather than because of Leekie’s disappearance or Rachel yanking his chain one too many times.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/123610.html.

orphan black, tv

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