what I've been up to (1/?)

Jun 20, 2014 20:35

Orphan Black 2.7 Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motions of Things

That very final scene where Donnie accidentally shot Leekie got out the biggest yelp of me for a while. That’s the show’s speciality, making me yelp. That equalises him and Alison a little. That’d be Alison, who doesn’t think prison is suitable for her because she’d have a rampage on the other inmates. Alison, who calls Felix, the Felix who decides that drugging Vic would solve all their problems without thinking it through or talking to Alison and Sarah.

(Those poor Hendricks kids. If nurture wins a la Rachel, what are they going to grow up like? Apart from excellent crafters?)

I enjoyed Sarah being Alison role-playing Donnie, as I always do enjoy clone performing.

Siobhan going to see Leekie put me into minor shock until she called Sarah afterwards.

We don’t know if it was the Dyad institute looking for Kira who hacked her daddy’s computer. Although it probably was. One can understand Cal’s frustration, Sarah turns up with the cutest kid, tells him she’s his, asks him to look after Kira solo, brings major trouble on their heels and there are all these mysterious clues to try to put together. But Sarah won’t bring him into the inner circle. I sort of feel she ought to let him know for Kira’s sake, but then, she doesn’t want to give him the right to be part of the decision-making process.

I loved that Kira just decided ‘auntie needs a tooth, I’ll pop it out then’ although I don’t remember her having so much, if any, interaction with Cosima. I can understand Sarah’s tenderness towards the one who got them all together and is sick, but...

Anyway, Kira got to crystalise Cosima’s cri de Coeur about agency, and I’m suddenly reminded that yonks ago, possibly when the film Moon came out, I was wondering about clones stories from a female perspective, and here it is.

Wondering how Rachel would react to everything was tense. Maslany’s face when Rachel was under all these stresses was brilliant.

The fake-out reveal that Donnie didn’t know didn’t quite work for me, because we’d seen too much evidence that he was her monitor. I don’t think this is much in the grand scheme of things, except getting rid of Leekie, whom nearly everyone had a complicated relationship with by now, and placing a steely Michelle Forbes as the new face of the Dyan Institute.

Meanwhile, Vic, no, Sarah isn’t going to take you back, you daftie.

Er, where was Art in all this? Wouldn’t he have had some input about dealing with Diangelis? Vic could still point the finger at snitch on Alison, who still let someone who wasn’t her monitor die.

I want to post about other stuff I've watched and other stuff I've done over the weekend.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/121903.html.

orphan black, tv

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