Over the weekend, I caught up with a couple of Person of Interest episodes, although I'm still behind.
2.17 Proteus
One of those episodes that builds and builds, although a few of the effects with the storm were pretty clichéd, but of course Finch would be crazy enough and capable enough to fly through a storm and have a ten-year-old identity as a stormchaser to come in handy.
Which was part of what led to that very interesting conversation with the chameleon serial killer.
Before that, I discounted the women and the drunken local. I first suspected the dental hygienist because of the teeth, but not very hard and then started suspecting ‘Fahey,’ mostly because he was handsome. The actor handled the switch to creepy after the reveal very well.
I may have cheered when Carter saved the day, even if Cal got the real save.
Very intriguing that the Machine is playing up. Now, unlike the guys, we know the Machine’s attention went a-wandering to find Shaw, so I don’t know if it was because of Cara’s virus as Finch surmises. Anyhow, it’s interesting, and not to be brushed over.
Also, will the fact that Cal has seen Finch now mean something? Especially as, understandably, Carter doesn’t trust him?
There were a few jumps from scene to scene, which may be because I saw it on demand five - maybe it skipped over the bit before they were all huddled over the deputy??
2.18 All In
This was so difficult to watch on Demand Five!!!!!!!! I was forced to watch this in two halves with a lot of huffing in between, so I’ve got no comment on
how they brought Leon in, how the NOTW paralleled Harold’s experience or the return of HR into Carter’s periphery.
Monday was E4 night:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.18 The Apartment
I really enjoyed all of this episode,
although the whole thing about Gina and Jake knowing each other from childhood threw me, because it didn’t seem as if there was any build-up to this or history between them. And then we had Gina the adult, well, fiscally speaking. Especially compared with Jake and his mail tub. But it was nice to see Rosa being able to hang out with Charles, I liked Santiago’s eventual realisation (maybe this will nip the stalking in the bud!) and how the team once again did and didn’t let their Sarge down.
Revenge 3.20 Revolution
I can offer less of a full-throttled response than maybe people making the show might expect. How's about a mild 'what a tasteless title'?
I was mildly worried for Conrad. Of course, he deserves to go down, but it should happen at the same time as Daniel and Victoria (??) do too, which has already dragged on too long. Revenge's diminishing returns have been its problem since they decided to make it a long-running multi-season show.
I was also mildly worried that somehow this show would be ridiculous enough to bring David Clarke back. I was only joking a few weeks ago! Fortunately, it looks like it’s just a (stalky) new player.
But I’m fairly sure he had nothing to do with abducting Charlotte and it was tall Aidan at Emily’s behest. If Charlotte is her lynch pin for Emily's latest plan to bring the rest of the Graysons down really and truly this time, I would submit it’s stupid. Not because it’ll give Jack the hump, although it will. But because the Graysons won’t notice. Charlotte is such an afterthought. Not even Javier was upset that she wasn’t at his big launch in physical form...because she was having a drink after checking her biological father really wasn’t alive and she had a stalker!? See what I mean?
Maybe her stupid is rubbing off on Jack, because taking the ring was tantamount to letting the letter writer know they’d been a-visiting. And it wasn’t like what they saw at his abode didn’t suggest he’d escalate from creepy correspondence or anything.
Actually, it was just because it was a stupid episode. I kept expecting Pascal not to buy Emily’s act (Rebecca Stone, so close to being Rebecca Flint!) because he’d heard Victoria deduce she was after revenge, which didn’t tie in with Emily/Rebecca's claim of investigating the flight. Eh, maybe Pascal just wasn't listening to his beloved. I think that it would have been more interesting if they'd played up the fact that Emily and team were acting on incomplete information more.
As it was, Pascal was hard to read, or what I was being shown didn’t entirely mesh with the ‘so in love with Victoria’ line the show was trying to peddle. Understandably, they wanted to remind us that Conrad is the alpha male sociopath (though he does recognise and appreciate his son’s developments in callousness). Death by helicopter belongs to ER’s Dr Romano for me, though, although Emily witnessing it and Victoria’s suspicion of the murder were operatic enough for the show.
It’s not nice to watch Margeaux being manipulated so, even if I spent most of her conversations with Pascal missing the French.
What Nolan (and to a lesser degree Emily and Javier) wore to the launch was ridiculously busy.
I am damping down expectations for how they’ll manage to end this season, because there is to be a season 4, so she’s hardly going to get her revenge, is she!?
I'm not even sure if they'll kill someone else off.
And then, last night, I caught up on Orphan Black 2.3 Distempers of Learning
This is probably the most crackers show I’m watching at the moment, easily. There were three (or more) yelps of ‘I can’t believe you’re doing this!’ from me over Cosima having to assist a post mortem on one of the clones, Helena being married to the big fish pro-Leithian to that fake agent shooting the nice local sheriff with the good instincts, oh and the end, where a truck crashed into the car Sarah was being abducted in.
But of course it did.
And that’s not mentioning Kira meeting her dad. I was deeply amused by it being Liam from Nashville. As I’m not a diehard Sarah/Paul shipper (I’m not against it either, exactly), I’m not even going to say ‘it all happened so fast’ - after all, everything does on this show. She found a place of safety, he’s still taken by her and seemed to be the kind of guy a daughter of his would mean something to. Although I don’t know what it would mean for all the action and life-in-constant danger ness, if he knocked her up again, that would be interesting, especially because of what they’re doing with Helena.
Poor Helena and also, be very afraid pro-Lethians. I like that Grace isn’t going along with it blindly.
I just have exclamation marks to throw in Angie and Art’s general direction.
The musical is still amusingly dire, but pointed. Poor Allison. At least she has Felix (who may stop her from flipping on her husband-monitor again). Was the break with Sarah massive for Fee? I mean, he’s tried to be nurturing for Kira and he gets putting her first, but Sarah has put him through a lot and lied to him. His allegiance to Allison shows how much their relationship is growing.
Sarah clearly was acting from instinct - the weight of not being able to provide for Kira like Mrs S would had to be bearing down on her. I bought that she hadn’t consciously planned to introduce Kira to Cal until she realised they were in the area. I really liked that they did bring in Kira’s father, and his history with the milirtary and science-y doings could be interesting (as opposed to him being some random rotter in the Victor mould that Sarah never wanted to see again). But it also feeds in beautifully to all the questions that being a clone raises and counterbalances the neovolutionist (and pro-Lethian) obsession in Sarah having a child, because the point, I suppose, is that Kira, like her mother told her, is half her father’s genes too, just like any child.
Although this kid is cute.
And, because it probably needs to be said in response to every episode, Maslany is amazing. I think it was the scene after Cosima had been seeing her face on the examination table and whichever character was doing her thing, I was struck anew by how sharply delineated these characters are, and it's not just their specific looks.
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