Tuesday’s catch-up

May 14, 2014 07:45

The Mentalist 6.19 Brown Eyed Girls

Surprisingly good episode, I thought. Having the murder victim lead to a women trafficking conspiracy that they haven’t fully got to the bottom of made for a grimly affecting case. We still don’t know what ‘Bow and Arrow’ meant, there’s the missing sister and the other less important girls on the other trucks - I could have done with even more of a sense of working against the clock - and we, the audience, have seen the man behind it all. I actually just went to imdb to check whether Titus Welliver has appeared on the show before, because there was a hint of The Blake Association about his behaviour, and Jesse was in San Diego, but I see that this was Ridley’s introduction and suspect it was just being on the same show that gave it an air of familiarity.

We also had more on Lisbon’s decision. I thought Abbot’s scuttlebutt source was Jane initially, but I liked that it wasn’t and he called Lisbon on avoidance. See also her calling herself independent, when she’s been in this co-dependent thing with Jane for years. I really liked the final scene where she told Jane, for both their acting, but especially Baker’s, who managed to conjure up an ugly look on that pretty face as Jane contemplated what his inability to give Lisbon what she wanted/uncertainty about what he wanted could mean.

So, apart from an ultimatum for Lisbon and Jane, a new mini-arc and potential biggish bad, they also decided to fight potential cancellation by having it be Jane, Lisbon and Cho do most of the work. Granted, there were the usual geographical wonkinesses, and I rather thought (after Lisbon’s excellent first interview with Amy’s sister) that Kim should have shown the picture to the girl in the hospital, but I suppose they wanted Cho too to have made a promise and take it personally.

Cho’s shining moment was playing a trucker. And the scenes where Jane made Dennis pretend to be his behatted security was the light stuff for this episode. At least they’re fighting for the show’s future, I suppose.

Orphan Black 2.2 Governed by Sound Reason and True Religion

Even more expansion - a new branch of Proleithians, a partial explanation for Helena’s continual survival, the Mrs S stuff - for a second, I wondered if she had a clone, but now I’m back to her lying. Really good sequence where Kira told Sarah she’d stopped trusting Mrs S, so they ran, as Siobhan found out her friends had turned on her...

Meanwhile Allison, and to a lesser extent Felix, brought the black comedy. But with Allison realising her husband is the monitor and she killed Aynsley wrongly, well, that was big, except that Felix betrayed her, or chose Sarah and Kira first.

I felt more of a connection between Kira and Sarah that we’ve seen before. So it would be good to see them spend time together, but then I liked Art as part of the clone club, investigating again with Sarah, Felix snarking at him, and that lasted all of four or five scenes. He seemed to have no reaction to the fact that Sarah had vanished.

Rachel has given Cosima plenty to chew over. (Some of the Dyad Institute tempting Cosima was daft, but kudos to whoever found the location, the high-tech meeting old, just a great visual.)

Lots of new interesting faces, and in the farmer-scientist-Prolethian, a scary new baddie.

The more Mark kills people, the less likely I think Gracie is to look kindly upon him.

Also, given all that her body has been through, I find it hard to believe that Helena could carry and give birth to a child, but have at it, show.

Very thrilling and intriguing.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/116416.html.

orphan black, the mentalist, tv

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