Last night I caught up on...

May 07, 2014 07:41

Orphan Black

2.1 Nature under constraint and vexed

Usual number of gasps at the twists (Helena, you indomitable, unkillable, still-walking sheer impossibility!) and a feeling they’ve upped the budget for the show.

Hilariously, the Previously on...though extensive, couldn’t begin to cover all that happened in season 1, but at least everyone got their moment, although Cosima and Delphine’s conversation was weird, as if all Cosima had to do was say one thing to get D to agree, until it appeared that D had decided to side with Leekie/wanted the Dyads to have Cosmia’s blood to help her, so she’d decided to cave to Cosima get on with her secret agenda. Are the respiratory problems something they’ve created in the clones and are investigating or not i.e. something unexpected that developed?

Rachel’s accent slightly bugged me less that I feared it would, and I think what we were getting was that she’s less in control than she thinks, which added an edge to her interaction with Paul as well as all that comes with a clone working for the enemy. In fact, Rachel and Paul were giving each other such looks that I thought it was going to turn out that Paul had history with her, except that would have been a twist too far. Look, I hadn’t time to think it through.

The end of his last scene with Sarah was also a little weird as in I wasn’t sure what the exchange was - what happened after he told her to turn her back on him?

Felix and Alison were so themselves and therefore fun when they were brought together. Of course Alison would know her drug and gun dealer’s mother. I’m glad they seem to be following up that she committed murder - the book of the musical was deeply unsubtle though.

While I’m glad Sarah is trusting Art (I seem to have been sold on him doing this for Beth, although his relationship with Sarah is going to be fascinating now that he knows she was his partner the last few weeks) I asked along with her ‘are you sure you want to know?’

What an opening sequence - a reminder that Sarah is a survivor (as is Helena!) The bad guys were so creepy and the fact that Helena’s people are on some federal agency’s radar is interesting for the longer term.

I never was convinced that Rachel and the Dyad people had Kira as there was never any proof. It’ll be fascinating to see Mrs S around her many strands, and it still seems to be keeping up the crazy pace and the useful shifts in tone, and Tatyana Maslany inhabits all these different roles pretty magnificently.

It really is better to be able to watch one episode at a time. A double bill was too much, as I was complaining all last year.


2.13 It’s all wrong, but it’s all right

Liam and Scarlett working together!!!! EXCITEMENTS.

I wonder if Gunnar’s song with Layla will be about secrets and lies.

Jeff called Juliette a ‘filly’ = hackles rising (even if she, Avery and Glen weren’t all looking as if all the wind had been taken out of their sails.)

So there’s no response from Rayna that her sister has abandoned her to deal with the business side of her label for mud baths... O RLY.

Scarlett’s song being about her mother was brilliant. (Compare with Layla not wanting to indulge in self-reflection, although my first mental comparison was between Layla and Juliette, because we’ve long seen Juliette write songs and be willing to put herself out there.)

I like what Maddie brings out of Juliette, and her characterisation of what was being done to J as bullying as well as all the other pep talks were only going to go one place.

And Juliette’s response to Jeff was VERY satisfying. (And the obvious next development for her career feels obvious.)

Scarlett’s mother is bipolar, it sounds like...ouf. And while Liam might have got a brilliant song out of her, at what price...

Teddy earned a little bit of my respect for figuring out Tandy is the witness. I hope we see Megan in court in that big ole case that Deacon ain’t figured is Lemarr’s yet, y’all, because that actress is selling me on Megan getting how he’s channelling his grief.

Tandy hiding herself away because Lemarr got Peggy shot is pretty understandable.

Heh, Avery-Deacon time.

Aww, Layla, it sounded like that all that rambling about your life was material for a song.

I loved the domesticity (down to her cooking involving loads of tomato ketchup) of Juliette with Glen, backing up her description of him as family.

What a song, what a performance from Claire Bowen (it helps that she’s a better singer than Britton and Pannetierre, but still). I forgive them for going for effect over chronology, because that was taking Scarlett to a whole new level.

Other stuff happened, like a nice moment between Deacon and Scarlett, Rayna of course refusing to do something that Jeff advised and Luke having to live with it, Tandy's self-protection meaning Teddy is still in danger and I won't get to see Megan in court, while I laughed at wise!Gunnar advising Layla and sighed at the price they’re going to make Scarlett pay for her advancement as an artist.

BUT Juliette was cooking for Avery and she got her chance to replay the declaration of her feelings and they kissed and it was all intense because of the way he looks at her, not to mention all the build-up. (I did, however, think that he was as much avoiding eating her cooking as being carried away with lust.)

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