Tee and Vee

May 02, 2014 21:54

The Mentalist 6.18 Forest Green

This was bumped to 10 on Tuesday (uh-oh), so I caught up.

We had happy Lisbon with Pike, Jane apparently being supportive. A simple-minded forestry cop. Jane being irritating, Lisbon being irritated by the mere existence of the Foragers’ Club and all it stood for and more so the longer she was there. I didn’t blame her - characters kept using ‘people’ when ‘men’ would have been more accurate.

Presumably that was one busy helicopter that day ferrying witnesses and officers.

Wylie’s response to Cho siding up to him and asking him to do something shady for Jane was adorable. I’ll take it as a step up that Cho admits to it being shady.

I did think it was a bit off that Jane actually told Abbot what he was planning to do, so I shouldn’t have been surprised that it was for a secret camera. But then I fell for the red herring and thought it was the head honcho, never suspecting the lawyer.

Shall I read too much into ‘irreplacable’ and wonder at Jane rambling when he had the blindfold on? Nah, let’s just say I enjoyed the magic tricks.

And then Pike tells Lisbon (who is dressed in red!) he’s prioritising their relationship and puts her on the spot, because she’s constantly chosen Jane, even over her job. She says what she has with Pike is real, but wanted him to choose the promotion. But it’s no stretch to read his line about holding on to something real as applying to what she has with Jane...

They really are expecting to be cancelled if they’re putting this much pressure on Jane and Lisbon.

The Good Wife 5.14 A Few Words (all things being equal, I am always going to try to watch this show live)

That was amazing - so emotional, so clever. The use of flashbacks has been masterful holding back and back until now - young Cary! Kalinda trying to stop Will hiring Alicia (AKA Peter’s wife), the business with the flat (it’s always homes with Alicia, isn't it? Lampshaded by Jackie in her head saying it was about her wanting nice things).

And then there was all the Alicia-Will interaction. Well, not quite all. I think we saw Will’s hand push the lift doors open one too many times. But I could blether on about how he lit up when he saw her then and the complexities of their memories of that time (and how the creation of her speech and the memories and imaginary scenarios tied into his prep a few episodes ago). And how enlightening their different takes were on what happened. Will is definitely guilty of lying to himself a little. Plus they referenced Heat, kind of. The characters needed that meeting, and the sourness and directness.

And now he’s been forced into testifying against Peter and I feel that I need to buy all the boxsets to see the first episode ever and the end of last season.

Excellent Tascioni deployment, from the rude bear to the scene where Carrie Preston had to sing so badly in front of Tony award-winner Nathan Lane, and then Elsbeth was the chosen one because of Alicia’s (inebriated) wise words. And, in fairness, she's a lawyer that lawyers turn to, which is quite a compliment.

Not to mention the mayor stuff and being in New York (where they film the show, don’t they?)

Cary started off handling Alicia quite well.

I kept thinking Alicia could totally be ruder to Jackie in her head.

Agents of SHIELD 1.18 Providence

Facial hair seemed to be a theme - Ward has stubble now he’s EVOL, the stuff going on at the side of Trip’s face seems overly decorative to me, Adrian Pasdar showed up with some moustache, so of course the upper floor of one of the secret lairs was a barber in Cuba.

I spent most of this episode going ‘you’re no David Boreanaz’ in Brett Dalton’s general direction. And no, Ward in no way deserved to be called better at anything than Natasha.

So, we had a bit of an aftermath. To summarise, Paxton did gleefully crazy. Rayna was mildly interesting, getting out of her grumps about the Clairvoyant not being what she thought she was, and worse, a slightly annoying guy who kept calling her Flowers, at the possibility of science. Simmons tried to institute democracy, Coulson tried to hold on to SHIELD, because he needed for all he had invested to mean something - although it seems as if they’re not going to rename the show Squiggle. May needed a hug (or at least someone to appreciate her epic eye-rolls) and Fitz felt left out (as if he hadn’t been making cow’s eyes at Skye, ever). Skye’s couple of weeks in SHIELD were very important two weeks.

Some of the lines were good, some of them were lame. I spent a bit of time trying to work out where this fit into the Captain America 2 timeline.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/114567.html.

marvel cinematic universe, agents of shield, the good wife, the mentalist, tv

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