I haven't seen everything I want to see yet, but here are some recs.
(Marvel's) Agents of SHIELD
Feeling Good: Mithborien
Classy Melinda May character study (spoilers for what’s aired in the UK)
I am the rain: shinyjenni
Vibrant vidlet and a great song choice for Meridia
Cloud Atlas
Soon Love Soon: kaydeefalls (note warnings)
This song works so well for the themes of the film and this beautiful vid pulls an impressive whole from a kalaedoscopic canon.
The Heat
Do My Thing: laurashapiro (Canon-typical violence)
Massive amount of fun. I loved that it celebrated both women as individuals and as a team.
Indiana Jones
Authority: rhivolution (Raiders and Crusade)
‘I fight authority and authority always wins’. Oh, Indy. The perfect theme for him.
Little Women (1994)
Helping Hand: trelkez
Gorgeous and touching vid about the March sisters and growing up.
Much Ado About Nothing (2013)
L.O.V.E.: purplefringe (Beatrice/Benedick)
A three act marvel of a vid.
Disney’s Mulan
The Edge of Glory: fiercynn
Really great and involving vid.
Never Let Me Go
Lifeforms: Dayln
Heartbreaking, but the interplay between lyrics and music and clip choice and timeframes is of a wonderful quality.
Pacific Rim
But I’m Hopeful Yet: kaydeefalls
Emotional and gorgeous vid about Mako and Raleigh (with enough to make me shake my head at the people who don’t see the Mako/Raleigh).
Pride and Prejudice (1995)
By and by: blithesea
This vid (a Mr Collins study) is a scream. Don’t eat or drink whilst watching it.
Snow White and the Huntsman
Kneel before the queen: dogstar
Great retelling of the story with the film that draws out interesting parallels/contrasts between Snow and Ravenna.
Spirited Away
Kids: shati
Wondrous vid about Chihiro’s journey/adventure with light and shade to it. Take only what you need.
Such Great Heights: chaila
Lovely vid. As another commenter observed 'love as a tender green shoot'.
I had planned to post fic recs too, but that would make this post twice as long, so I'm glad some common sense prevailed.
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