A little bit of blah.

Feb 25, 2005 18:01

Saw Criminal last night. It was on the good side of fine, the actors were all believable, though you couldn't relax with them because they were not out to entertain you like Ocean's crew and it's more of a puzzle. But whoever cut the trailer should be shaken up roughly by a giant bunny. I knew that this was a con movie so I avoided spoilers, but the trailer had a moment, of two characters kissing that wasn't in the final cut. And I kept expecting it and expecting it, and in a way it foreshadowed the ending, and... why do they do that?

I know why they do it, really, they're working on picking the most exciting bits from an unfinished movie. BUt. Gah. If we're talking about rules of thumb, should they not have anything from the last two thirds because they give away relationships, locations, states of injury, RILLY BIG EXPLOSIONS. And the place for deleted scenes is the DVD. Couldn't they just have cool music, so and so as, and vague, vague pictures, not thirty second primers on the plot?

In less grumpy news, I'm planning my weekend around watching the Oscars, which means a busy tomorrow and a sleepy Sunday, because for us the show is on at an unfeasibly late hour. However I will also be watching E! (though i am disgusted that that Star Jones and not the enormously entertaining weird and wonderful River dames are presenting.) I have no idea what the Sky way of doing the show will be. Drat. There'll be adverts. No unintnterrupted snark. Stupid BBC, next thing we know they'll be letting the Eurovision out of their hands into Rupert's. Um, yeah. As I've said before, am not that invested in the movies, but I'm v. excited.

Off to find fic, scusi.
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