The Autobiography of Jane Eyre (eps 31 to 40.)

Dec 23, 2013 08:59

I’ve found that this page lists all the vids and occasionally other stuff in order: hurrah.

Episodes 31 to 40, which is basically Jane at the Reeds.

The best bits were, again, Jane to camera, slowly revealing stuff about her past. ‘Draw my life’ would have been brilliant had the sound levels been sorted. As it is, it was a brilliant idea, let down by something that has been problematic throughout. Having Jane draw was a very Janeish thing to do and a good way of getting exposition across easily and in character. In fact, having Jane draw her backstory so far might have been something they could have done earlier for those impoverished weirdos who haven’t read the book*, maybe skipping on a few of the details that we needed about the Reeds’ mistreatement of Jane. It could have been as the result of a project of Adele’s.

But then there was no problem with the sound levels with the Reed sisters. Sigh. I can see what they were going for, but it would have been more effective had it been dialled down by some 90%. When the best thing about it is Jane’s faces, more evidence of Jane being silenced on her own vlog, Jane getting understanding about them - although it’s Mrs Reed and John who left the greatest shadow on her life - ugh, no. 'Raisins' was just painful and I won't go into why it didn't work structurally as an episode either.

Quiet, emotionally powerful scenes with just Jane are some of the very best things about the show. I’m thinking of episodes 36 and 40 - Revelations and the Red Room. I like what they’ve done with showing Jane talking about being bullied, essentially. I also like that young Jane showed a bit of feistiness when A Line was crossed, that we don’t really see with her as an adult. She tried rebutting Liz, but got squashed. We’ve only really seen her hold her own with Rochester, and that was mainly when they first met.

“You’ll edit that out, right?” Ha, ha, no. She rarely edits it out except for a punchline, WHICH HAS BEEN SO FRUSTRATING.

Anyway, I’m glad she’s going back ‘home’.

*I forgot to post about my feelings about that phenomenon. Basically, I can rationalise it up to a point, but I know it comes down to my having a very emotional connection to books, especially when I read them young.

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webseries, heroines, links, books, watching, the autobiog of je, grumbling

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