It’s always better with Claudia, loosening everything up and sounding genuinely enthused.
Ashley’s salsa had impressive moments (the lifts) but I could have done with him smiling. He had his ‘concentrating’ face on throughout. He was disappointed to get 35, but Ola wasn’t (and as it turned out, not such a bad score) - I think she upped the difficulty stakes on him again, so he is improving, but it doesn’t come across in the scores.
Artem’s Choreographic Vision vs. Len’s Need for What’s in the Rules continues, with Natalie as the poor casualty. As ever, I thought it was a very high-quality dance, but maybe lacking in drama.
Anya’s choreography isn’t a problem (and neither was her wardrobe) and I thought Patrick handled the rumba pretty well. He was acting through it a lot, which might have been part of the judges’ problem with the intensity, but it looked like that was his way into the dance.
I agreed with some, but not all of the criticisms of Susanna and Kevin (although they really have shown that they are the weakest contenders left, sadly). There was more UST than usual, I didn’t mind the AT morphing into a Michael Jackson number so much, but I do agree that there was disjointedness and I was a little disappointed with the marking, although maybe that’s because there’s something about them that makes you feel like giving them lowish marks is equivalent to kicking puppies who just want to dance.
I had more of an issue with Delilah as a song for a Viennese Waltz. It’s not the most romantic of numbers, is it? But Aljaz’s choreography almost pulled it off, there was some tension to suggest the jealous obsession and love turning into hate. It looked pretty gorgeous and classy, but I would have liked the judges to have had more time to analyse it.
Brendan’s choreography for the tango was brilliant, it was perfect for Sophie and allowed her to shine. Shame about her faults - she hasn’t scored a 10 yet, and I hope she can. Everyone likes her, but she’s in the middle of the table.
I wasn’t going to vote at this point, because I could see the sense of the leaderboard and nobody had been outstanding (except Claudia). Being aware that rapid costume changes were going on in the back added dramah! I’m not opposed to seeing them all on the floor together (although I couldn’t take in much about their dancing) or better yet, having everyone do the same dance, as a way of comparing and contrasting. What drew my eye was how everyone (seemed to) respond to being called off. I don’t know if it was adrenaline or theatricality, but a lot of them reacted quite badly - except Abbey who was just giddy (so I decided to vote for her then and there. Ahem.) I was dimly grasping through the tricks and tantrums that Natalie and Artem were putting together a very stylish, athletic routine - their final collapse was hilarious. Of course, we never got to see their jive.
By now, it’s about popularity, surely. Wonder if Susanna and Kevin will be allowed to be in danger. I suspect not...
Atlantis 1.10 The Price of Hope
Very entertaining episode, actually. Robert Emms is really shaping up nicely to milk the most of each moment, Addy is a past master of that and Jack Donnelly is pretty and he tries. Robert Lindsay was a lot of fun as Daedalus, so I hope he returns.
As I do Atalanta. I loved the moment of doubt, ‘They can’t be introducing Artemis, surely?’ and a woman who is awesome at the bow and healing is awesome is awesome. They made the time to set up her relationship with the Three Amigos. I mean, I wish the show could have time for more than one young woman on the screen (or in the gang) at a time. It’s not such a remarkable idea. I am sad that Medusa has mainly become Hercules’s love interest, aka woman that he loves. She’s also an example of characters and their fate and a plot point, although I think it’s been obvious since the first episode that Jason is a demi-god and the Oracle is his mother. I probably haven’t mentioned how ace Juliet Stevenson’s acting is.
But there were plenty of jokes, rollicking fight scenes and some drama. With the return of Pandora’s Box, there were still LOTR references, also Pythagoras being Sam and Atalanta basically being an Elf. I am starting to doubt that we'll return to resolve Medusa’s situation this season, because it's bound to end with a Jason-Pasiphae face-off and it looks like next week is taking a detour into Jason turning into a werewolf daftness.
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