that's where I keep the treats

Nov 28, 2013 08:06

I just read a Mirrormask fic (which I will be reccing whenever I get the time to do a long-due fic recs post) that gave me so many Alice (2009) feels. Is there any meta about the two pieces and how they’re influenced by the ur-text of Alice in Wonderland, obviously, but filtered through a modern sensibility, one more steampunk and the other more psychedelic and how Valentine and Hatter - so similar! - play our their roles in that? Did the makers of Alice talk about Mirrormask as an influence?

(I own Alice on DVD, because that was the only way I could get my hands on it. Mirrormask was borrowed and may have been watched on TV subsequently - there were lots of things I loved about it, but I didn’t feel like I needed to own it.)

Last night, I caught up on: Person of Interest 2.4 Triggerman

It started off a bit ‘eh’ following a little closely to the usual pattern. So, I could guess that Reese had jumped to the wrong conclusion and that the number, Riley, was involved with the feisty hostess/widow Annie - it was a bit peculiar that Finch, especially was so slow on the uptake, but then he did trigonometry and THEN we has the delightful encounter between Harold and Elias.

Also delightful, how fruitlessly miffed Carter gets when Reese plonks her in the middle of a case.

The ending, from the second Finch said ‘bad code’ made the slight tension between Finch and Reese over whether to save killer Riley along with innocent Annie more interesting. Riley/Annie was a bit too much of an outline. And the ending...would be a mixed message about John Reese and his killer past, however much he’d stood up for Riley.

CHESS. Of course. But will this be a regular thing and how will that work, given that Root has already clearly influenced Harold?

and also 2.5 Bury the Lede (one of the titles that need to be explained to me)

By the first ad break, I full well knew I’d been right to be a little disappointed in the previous episode. I loved this one.

Maxine Angelis is a ridiculous name, but she’s well in the DC investigative journalist dame mould, isn’t she? And her relationship with her editor! The actress has an echo of Angelina Jolie in the face. It was twistedly amusing to have Finch talk about how social media was hurting investigative journalists.

But at the same time, they brought back all the HR stuff, which meant the return of the man who will always be Orange guy to me, however much they call him Agent Donnelly. Carter was only the first to be determined to find the head of HR. There was Lionel being horribly compromised and not entirely sure who has his back, aww. And even when John said he did, which is one of the nicer things he’s ever said to Lionel, who is worried about his son, he couldn’t buy it. LIONEL FUSCO, I CAN’T EVEN.

And as a soundtrack: Bear and his squeaky toy in the background. Oh, Finch.

My suggestion for Reese’s dilemma of protecting someone who could give him the publicity he doesn’t want? Put on a mask.

What we had was Finch kind of playing Cyrano and the CAR, black and sleek and not at all reminiscent of a B*tm*b*l* and the GLASSES (it is amazing I was paying attention to anything except Jim Cavaziel’s face) and the fact Max is obsessed with the story about the man in the suit, and Zoe being on point, reading the notes, unlike John. Who got ordered to stay in the car by Max. Heh. Because John Anderson is a mild-mannered actuary. How do I accurately convey my GLEE?

And then, of course, it all went to pot, and Zambrano wasn’t what Max said he was and she got played, and she really got more depth than most numbers of the week, so surely she’s coming back.

It also got better - John’s sparse, gorgeous apartment - Finch in the closet where the treats/armoury was.

The John/Zoe shipper in me (cause she IS Catwoman, and we got to see a very playful side of her in this ep, and any ep featuring Zoe Morgan gets a bump for that alone) is glad that Max picked up on the ‘still hung up on Zoe’ - that was quite the appreciative look Reese gave her after the second meeting, which so wasn’t in character. And even given everything that was going on - during whilch Max was as myopic as Lois Lane, which included going straight for the ledger, heh - Max must have thought of the two long nights and how he didn’t make all that many moves on her. I did not expect to get an episode where Reese was also Clark Kent and Superman, with the complication that Finch was in some ways also more her type. Although that was also a contrivance to get Reese close to protect her.

And then, the reveal that that guy wasn’t the head of HR and the pay-off with callbacks to previous dialogue to make me go ‘I should have seen it coming’, but I was, frankly, having too much fun and too involved in the moment, to speculate.

Sure, there was a little too much exposition dumping but we had so many callbacks to season 1 that I probably found some of it useful, if inelegant.

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tv, person of interest, batverse, films, an alice in a wonderland

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