Indulge me...

Feb 16, 2005 07:34

...or scroll right past
Or scroll right past

I've got fairly spoiled for the first few episodes of this season's The O.C., but that was partly my fault for fic-hunts and ego-stroking and dabbling. A few of them were, as ever, those completely random spoilings where people (mainly North Americans) are making widely-applicable arguments drawing in examples from various fandoms and they inevitably and naturally mention something from a recent episode of a show that they only reference then. I don't mind getting spoiled for Angel, because it was my choice not to catch up on the episodes. By the time I do get to see the end of season 4 and season 5I'll be amused if anything comes as a surprised. But something that aired in the last month? Yes, even that thing that your network has been airing adverts for so heavily that your great-grandfather knew about. Yes, even though it's the perfect example of that point you're making. I can't complain, because I understand why people do that, and even the insularity that leads to it. The only times that we're ahead (the rare UK exclusive or early release, or for British-origin fandoms) the fandoms are really small and the people in them are lovely, plus my own experiences make me hyper-aware of the spoiling.

And the particular spoiler (an OC related one) is tantalising (because I suspect it's going to take a while before we get there, so it's a stretch to imagine how we will) it's frustrating because I'd have liked to have been surprised or spoiled nearer to the time. I want certain things about Lindsay to come out already because I know them. It's not as annoying as getting spoiled for Alias would have been, it's just another example of a perennial problem.

Which is why I had to go on about it, apparently.

It occurred to me mid-way through writing it that 'Never Knew' works as a prequel to 'Watching.' The theory as it stands is based on the 1. taken from lyrics thing - except 'Watching' was prompted by the lyrics, while that smattering from 'Fever' hit me as I was working on NK. Well, a mishearing. It's 'never know' but I was convinced it was 'never knew' which fitted in better with my purposes, so I went the adapted route because it's my summary and I can if I want to.

2. the question of what characters were doing when the Pulse hit. Its mentioned in both fics, I don't think I contradict myself with saying in 'Watching' that Alec was locked down in the barracks with his unit. My rationale is that Alec hadn't thought much about the effect of the Pulse (and that's in the text of 'NK') before the Berrisford mission, then he thought about it and remembered that they were sent into the barracks. I have a vague idea/plan to write about what various DA people were doing when the Pulse hit. If for nothing lse than that cop's speech about the summer after the Pulse fascinates me. We know (IIRC) that Logan was on a yacht with some woman and from Before The Dawn we know what Max was up to, but what about Normal and O.C., Deck and Renfro and pick your own favourite minor character. (Although it is a pain to work out the maths.)

3. it's my subconscious and I tend to revisit motifs (at the least).

Side-note:- I know the Berrisford Agenda sounds very cool, but wouldn't The Berrisford Mission have been a more straightforward episode title? Because what agenda are we talking about? Robert doesn't have one really, or do they mean the trying to kill Alec agenda? Because even so, it still isn't very clear. Manticore has a clear agenda, and Alec and Rachel and Berrisford and even Sandoval are their pawns, because you just know that some of his motivation for his handling of 494 comes from Deck's influence.

As there was a time delay between the composing and posting of this, I have since seen the OC ep in question, but I need to order my thoughts about that.

Also caught the last half of the latest CSI (UK time) and there's no point using a cut tag to say that Greg was adorable, Archie and Warrick hot. The latter picked up shoes, we found out that Catherine is a MOTHER (no, really) and Brass can be scary in the questioning room.
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