I can't see the rainbow

Aug 04, 2013 14:35

Top of the Lake, ep 4

Before this ep, I thought that the best case scenario for the minisries' ending would be Robyn finding out what happened to Tui and going to therapy. After this ep, it’s both of them (at least) getting therapy. And from someone less cult leaderish than JG.

In fact, I’m not sure whether I’ll be there to see it. I’ve been wondering since this episode ended why I kept on watching it, not because of the stuff I was warned for at the start, but my suspicion as to why Robyn’s mum really didn’t want her with Jonno. I had wondered before this ep if it would turn out that Jonno was more involved in the gang-rape of Robyn, but like her (and through the flashback), I believed him. However, what I read from Robyn’s mum’s face and what we’d heard about her past reaction to Matt and Jonno was that Robyn’s beloved dad wasn’t her biological father, but that Matt was. I’m not sure if it was consensual.

So yeah, I mainly spent the rest of the episode with my hand covering my mouth at that.

I've revised the list: Robyn’s going to need a lot of therapy. Add to the list someone killing Matt, by this point - the sons who are loyal to him suspect him of having slept with their half-sister. Nice. So, really, it could be anyone: Robyn, Tui, Jonno, take your pick.

Tui was existing as a kind of Schroedinger’s Cat in my mind. I couldn’t believe she was dead, mainly because of the nature of her going and which characters were claiming she was. Of course, she’s now in huge danger.

It only took Robyn two months to talk to Tui’s contemporaries! (I hadn’t been aware of that much time passing.) Sorry, I was going to let the terrible investigating go.

I had been spoiled that someone would warn Robyn off Jonno (what with the present day tattoos and the flashback kiss, good luck with that) and assumed that it would be Al. Of course, when he then proposed to her, there was the disconnect between the dreamy actor and the character who quite seriously wanted her to save him. That raised my hackles - why should it be her job (especially as she’s got her own issues)? Does New Zealand have a law where a wife can’t testify against her husband? Was that it? Because he was equally serious about her exterminating him. I suppose you can’t expect someone who doesn’t treat his own job with respect to respect someone else doing their job.

I had an ‘I THOUGHT that was Lucy Lawless’ moment when the credits appeared.

But oh, this show is dismaying even though there’s something mesmerising and beautiful about it.

I was made happier by catching the 10 minutes of Ugly Betty where Bradford Meade asks Betty to take care of Daniel. I also saw the first fifteen minutes of Bring it On: All or Nothing, which was abysmal, but featured a squeaky-voiced and young Hayden Pannetierre. I'm glad she's moved on to better things.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/64018.html.

tv, ugly betty

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