I’m disgruntled to find out out that Much Ado... is not showing anywhere near me this week (cinema weeks start on Friday). I would have gone to see that before Man of Steel. Now I’m thrown into my usual dilemma about big films that I want to see but am not desperate to see, whereas with the latter it’s just a matter of getting there as quickly as possible. I want to avoid long queues/sold out showings, which means not going to see it immediately, but I don’t want to get spoiled by other people who have been to see it - in that part of the world where people don’t use spoiler tags. Or, indeed, lower their voices.
All I know about this film is what I’ve seen of the trailers, really,
and the first one that seemed inspired by Terrence Malick gave me the giggles. I hope it’s good, by which I mean enjoyable. I really hope that they do Lois Lane justice - casting Amy Adams instead of a Kate Bosworth equivalent is a huge step in the right direction. I find that that’s what I care about the most.
I’ve never read a Superman comic book, and I know most of what I know of the mythos through TV than the films - I suppose I was too young. I’ve seen bits of them out of sequence. I have a half-remembered impression of some show where Clark may have been Superboy that was on ITV in the late eighties, but I imprinted on Lois and Clark - The New Adventures of Superman when it aired. I loved it to bits and was unabashedly fannish about it even if I wasn’t close to being in fandom. I loved it even when the quality dropped and it seemed to be variations of the same nebbishy scientist that was being faced every week.
By the time Smallville aired, I was online, if not quite in fandom, identifying with Chloe, thinking Tom Welling was pretty, loving Michael Rosenbaum’s voice and probably quite the traditional het shipper (ie not always behaving very well - I have now reached a point where I think Lana was written very, very poorly). I only watched up to the first episode of the fourth season, for reasons that weren’t about the show. I do have that season on DVD now, but haven’t got round to watching it (after rewatching seasons two and three.) As I’m rewatching Arrested Development, it’s not going to happen for a while yet either.
Superman Returns was fine, but neither exciting nor uplifting. Whenever I think of it, my response to the film is, appropriately, muted. Disappointed even, because we got X-Men 3 for this?
So...we’ll see.
There looks like there’s going to be lots about which daddy Clark/Superman/Kal-El chooses, which may bore me or irritate me if the rest doesn’t grip, and what worked for Bruce Wayne and Batman i.e. a darker, grittier reboot may not work for Clark and Superman. DC and Warners want this to succeed so badly, though, so they can have their Justice League to match the Avengers - never mind the slight problem that Nolanverse’s Batman’s story feels closed or that they’ve failed to bring out a Wonder Woman movie.
However, there is also Michael Shannon's FACE to look forward to.
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