the long-promised epic recs post

Apr 12, 2013 18:56


Raise A Little Elf: kellifer_fic Darcy/Clint, background Jane/Thor, ensemble. (Written before the movie.)

In which Clint is an elf.

This is utterly delightful, plays the premise to its full potential and is so true to the characters. I loved all the interactions, platonic and shippy.

Batman (Nolanverse)

Narrow Aspirations: missnyah

A story about an encounter between Catwoman and Batman in the Batman Begins era (I tend to think it's AU). Sharp, different but credible portrait of what led Selina to that point and a delicious, multi-layered encounter between them.

The Bletchley Circle

Rubik’s Cube: mfirefly10 (dark themes, warnings provided)

This vidlet works well as an introduction to what another commentator described as ‘these complicated women’.

The Bodyguard

Cherish the day: tvashti

Fame, travel, marriages successful and failed, children...maybe it's purely by the force of Rachel's personality, but somehow they remain friends.

I didn't know I wanted a Rachel and Frank friendship fic, but I did. And it's heartwarming.

The Brothers Bloom

Best Supporting Actress: fayhe Bang Bang centric.

Whatever role Bang Bang is going to have in the post-Stephen future, it's not going to be a silent one.

Fittingly (?), this fic made me want to go ‘EEEEE’ for several reasons.

but for endless ifs: kittu9

Post movie Bloom/Penelope fic. This is charming and happy and sad and odd, with so much that rings true to them.


Introduction to Networking and Efficient Role Management: Palgrave Pilot-adjacent, teen, gen (but with canon ships at canonical levels).

I found this tale of how Abed took on the role of creating the study group really funny (although I do think it could have done with an American beta reader.)

Britta, Annie, Shirley - paintball: eilowyn
Appropriately awesome snippet about the Community ladies’ prep for the s1 paintball war.

Daddy Long Legs

The Fortunate Girl: southern_heaven

Lovely and vivid Judy-centric ficlet.


Hunch: ultharkitty

Gen, Mature for violence, Dredd, OFC, Anderson.

Spot-on ficlet tonally and character-wise.


Ice in Crystal: Julie Fortune R, dark themes, read the warnings, gen ensemble (background canon pairings) long two-parter

Powerful, gripping, gut-wrenching, with a brilliant grasp of the characters in an intense situation.

The Good Wife

'Till The Water Runs Clear: mardia Alicia-centric gen, set after 2.20

An engrossing and moving read.

Harry Potter

Fawkes by Nintendemon

Detailed and striking fanart.

A New Alliance: jncar gen (Neville, Aberforth and Ariana)

I believe that this is what happened. The hopeful tone is lovely.

The Adventure: greensilver

I smiled and flailed and felt throughout this excellent video about Neville Longbottom, Gryffindor.

Volunteer: AnastasiaMantihora

Characterful drawing of Luna and the school owls

The Temptation of Ron Weasley: angua9 Ron/Hermione, Ron/Lavender

Ron's POV of events in chapter 14 of HBP. Really good Ron voice and a sympathetic Lavender.


Museum Piece: froda_baggins (Arthur/Ariadne implied)

Clever and awesome ficlet, which is as it should be, as it's about how Ariadne is clever and awesome.


Bound by Duty: Lady Bluejay Eomer/Lothiriel long, (strong teen)

Duty makes Lothiriel accept Eomer, King of Rohan, as a husband, although she barely knows him. Her upbringing may make her fit to be Queen, but will the Rohirrim accept her and what will her relationship with her husband be like? This is a satisfying read, balancing action and reflection. Lothiriel is sympathetically and credibly written. There's drama and tension, but people act sensibly, and the burgeoning relationship is rarely forced.

Mary Poppins

Tightrope: chaila

Mary in charge! This is a fun vid and more than that too.

The Mentalist

murder is no place for metaphor: chaletian

Lisbon, sharply deliniated in miniature.

The Mindy Project

If We Don't Make It We'll Fake It: amathela (Zhailei)

Thoroughly enjoyable post 1.02 'Hiring and Firing' fic, mostly very funny with great characterisation as Mindy forced Danny to continue to fake being her BFF for Dr Shulman which leads to deliciousness.

Once Upon a Time

Ramalama (bang bang): flummery
Really rich overview of season 1 and a classy, quriky vid.

breath finally free: vega of the lyre Snow/Charming spoilers for early season 1, but somewhat Jossed

Gorgeously reminds me of why I love Snow and her Charming.

He catches a brief glimpse of Snow White standing in the middle of the road, her feet planted firmly, mouth a white line, body as taut as the bowstring she is pulling back, and then she lets the arrow loose, and somewhere in the distance, a man shouts in surprise and falls in a clatter of mail.

Pan’s Labyrinth

Lullaby for a Stormy Night: kayddefalls (it you haven’t seen the film, read the content notes)

Heart-wrenching vid about Ofelia.

The Pink Carnation series

Afternoon Delight: empressearwig Miles/Hen, set about a year into their marriage

As delightful as this couple deserve. The Miles POV is very endearing.

Pitch Perfect

Nothing but Treble: NeoVenus22 Beca/Jesse

Jesse gets it in his head to do the one thing Luke told them not to do.

These two - so ador(k)able.

(turn the beat around) turn it upside down: hardlygolden (Beca/Jesse)

This is such a great continuation of Beca's story and of Beca and Jesse's relationship that's very much in keeping with the film's tone.

Private Eye

(yes, the UK magazine)

Just between us, it only has one ball, but it’s having one (7, 3, 5): Emmzzi

Brilliant and tonally spot-on story/satire/celebration of Private Eye. Every chapter made me laugh.

The Thin Man series

What a Swell Party This Is: musesfool (gen with strong het elements)

Tonally perfect and a Nora on top form.

Veronica Mars

Dear Forgiveness, I Saved a Place For You: smells_corrupt

Post-series Mac, Dick on which things that needed to be said are said, and a great job is done on how they're said.


Sevening: Molly Logan/OFC, Logan/Marie R (written after X-Men)

Oldskool Logan/Marie with a distinctive take on how Logan can't touch this girl.

This entry was originally posted at

crossposted, the mentalist, tv, links, films, harry potter, veronica mars, the mindy project, the good wife, once upon a time, batverse, fanvid recs, x-men, firefly, themed links, marvel cinematic universe, community: the tv series, recs, the bletchley circle, books, fanart recs, fanfiction recs, lotr

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