My last post in reverse

Mar 23, 2013 08:21

Parks and Rec 1.06 Rock Show

I was amused by and admired the scripy of this episode, I suppose. Tom’s wife is unexpected, I hope they show us more of how she puts up with him; although the hint is that she doesn't see it like that at all. Leslie’s mother setting her up with a man who’s younger son is about Leslie’s age merits an !!! Yes, Ann is too awesome for Andy and thank goodness Mark Brandanowitz said what he said in time to snap Leslie back to her senses. Mark falling into the pit and Ann and Andy reverting to type at the end was one of the things I admired from a writing POV.

TGW 4.9 A Defence of Marriage

Um, while I enjoyed Stockard Channing as Alicia’s mom and all of that leading to the Thanksgiving dinner and Diane and Alicia doing their job under the nose of that patronising huckster (yes, Will’s assessment was right) there was a screamer of a missing scene. WHY didn’t we get to see Cary try to fly ‘basketball’ past Kalinda? Another minute at the bar? It’s just bewildering, especially as they harked back to the beating at the top of the episode, and I’d have rather seen it than the macho coded strutting of the two blonde men in the midst of tow-trucks.

Anyway, Alicia’s crowded life, her almost unspeakable mother (Channing was great casting) and the return of Owen was great. It’s always been really nice to see Alicia as a sister, with an echo of the child she was and I’ve wanted for that to be expanded for eons, i.e. to meet her mother so the giraffe, the flirting with David Lee and the point-scoring with Jackie was brilliant. Sadly, Veronica is a few months and more late and pushed Alicia onto Peter’s lap. And we had the return of the over-excited sound department from ‘Anatomy of a Joke’.

I enjoyed Babe Neurith’s return as a judge and Owen’s POV of Alicia practicing (ooh, repetition of take the compliment). I also remember going ‘hang on, is Alicia and Diane’s client guilty?’ at some point, because it seemed to be the last question to be answered. I know the Big Impressive Lawyer Man had a stinging point about their being clever and manipulative, (instead of what, acting in the service of justice?) but their job was to defend their client of the charge against him.

I need to do a recs post sooner rather than later, and actually it may be recs posts as I keep finding stuff to add to the list.

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the good wife, tv, parks and recreation

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