Recs (vids, fanart and fics) 2/2

Nov 02, 2012 20:46

Harry Potter

We Are: featherstar16
Powerful Order of the Phoenix vid about Harry, Dumbledore's Army and what they have to face.

Fanart: Very nicely rendered Minerva McGonagall: shadowycat

The Hour

Shaken, not stirred: fallenmagic Freddie & Bel
Instantly adoptable headcanon from this pre-series story about how Bel got the nickname 'Moneypenny'

The Hunger Games

Untitled: azelmaroark
Beautiful, but heartbreaking Rue and Katniss commentficathon fill. Worth reading the prompt beforehand.

is there a chance you may change your mind?: red_b_rackham
Gale/Katniss ficlet that so chimes with what I took to be true about their feelings upon seeing the film.

Lord of the Rings

Love Comes Softly: sache8 Éomer/Lothíriel Lothíriel/Other

Upon the death of her betrothed, a heartbroken Lothíriel agrees to marry King Éomer for the good of her country. Can true love be found again in the comfort of shared grief and friendship?

Lovely, lovely fic. So many people's styles throw me when it comes to Tolkien fanfic, but this was really in keeping with the tone of the books, while introducing a slightly different, but very rich perspective, especially of women and their roles in Middle Earth. Either the first chapter will hook you (like it did me) or not - there were a few typos, but I love this kind of romance and the way it was handled here, where respect, honour and dutifulness aren’t trampled over for Teh Romance.


Walking on Sunshine: charmax
This fanvid is a great reflection of the tone and what's charming about this show, and the movement in it is something else.

On the Hunt: kungfuwaynewho
How Miranda and Gary met fic that had me hooting with delight and recognition. Plus instant head canon!

Suddenly it has become very important to me that Gary win this scavenger hunt. He should win everything. The world should probably just give him trophies every day for existing.

Plus there's a sequel The Hunt Begins.

The New World (primary source)

Shake it out: mresundance
Such a powerful vid.

Once Upon a Tme

running to stand still: tosca 1390 Snow/Charming. Mature
There's an edge to this post-wedding encounter in the woods, but there's love and need too, all woven together very well.

Person of Interest

Lowdown Groove: rose_griffes post 1.08 Mature John/Zoe
Yummy. I love the mood of this, how it ties into canon and how they play off each other.


Paper Fortunes: alice-day (PG-13 for language and violence. Spoilers for series 1, mild jossing by series 2).
Really fun and satisfying four-part Molly-centric casefic with a dash of Molly/Lestrade. Also, Avengers (the TV series) fangirling.

An Avalanche of Detour Signs: gyzym (Molly-centric, eventual Molly/Lestrade. Mature. Long.)

In which Molly Hooper gets a job, gets a degree, breaks a heart, has her heart broken, falls in love, keeps a secret, saves a life, runs a morgue, falls apart, pulls it together, and finds exactly what she didn't know she was looking for--not necessarily in that order.

Epic, brilliantly done story of how Molly is awesome. It adds plausible complexity to what (little) we were shown in canon. (Free up plenty of hours to read it.)

London Calling: chaletian Gen. John, his phone, Sherlock etc. No spoilers beyond 1.01.
Perfectly pitched: Next, of course, he moves in, and ends up in what seems like an incredibly bad sitcom (He's a high-functioning sociopath! He's a wounded ex-Army doctor! Together they fight crime!)


The Lines We Amend: Kathe (teen for language)
Wholly gripping Chloe, Lex futurefic that takes the darker aspects of the season 3 Chloe-and-the-Luthors plotline and builds on them. I loved the tone (and the delicious tension between Chloe and Lex).

Ugly Betty

Happy Days Are Here Again: yahtzee63
AU. Great translation of Mode and the characters we know to a 1920s setting. I also loved how Daniel and Betty's relationship is set up.

X-Men: First Class

Dixon's Girl: sabrina-il
Mutant ladies are awesome.
And oh boy, does this vid celebrate them. Loved what this change of focus did to the perspective of the movie.

Somewhere Only We Know: Double Dip Productions
Mainly Charles, Erik and Raven (and the permutations thereof). Emotional vid with lots of interesting linkages (or whatever the term is) created by the editing choices.


Starships!: bironic (teen)
SPACE VID YAY! So full of glee and win.

tv, links, films, miranda: the tv series, harry potter, ugly betty, uk, sherlock, once upon a time, the hour, fanvid recs, x-men, smallville, themed links, recs, person of interest, fanart recs, fanfiction recs, lotr

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