
Jun 07, 2012 11:11

This batch of recs includes a fic that's about 10 years old and some slightly more recent stuff.

Avengers Movieverse

Avengers Assemble
Tightly Wound: sugar-fey Rish Very good Natasha/Clint ficlet (vague spoilers)
It isn't like the thought hasn't entered her mind.

(written pre Avegers Assemble)
I Give You Love, Baby, Not Romance: musesfool Darcy/Clint
Darcy and Clint, being cute, even as they miscommunicate.


Lines (Make me want to cross them): nekare
Brennan/Booth, post 3.09 'Santa in the Slush) R
I had three recced links to this fic in my list of Bones fic to read. I'm so glad I did. Develops their relationhip organically from that Christmas onwards

Curriculum Vitae: iseult_variante. Early season 3, Angela gen (some Angela/Hodgins)
How some of Angela’s past jobs helped solve a few cases. Very IC and nicely highlights her contributions to the team’s work.

everlong: blueeyelinerX Brennan/Booth, spoilers for s3
They grow old together.

Kept Distant: voleuse
Camille and Angela vignette set after season 3. Lovely.

Very nice Booth sketch by adtridv (no spoilers).


Let's go to the Mall: dogstar
Fun vid (this is such a spot-on song choice for Clueless).

Due South

Build Your Own Catherdrals: ixepixie
Beautiful and moving Fraser-centric vid.


Cicatrices: blu4vr
4 part Neela/Ray R post finale
It was never going to be easy for them, especially if they avoid ed all their issues for all too credible reasons, but there’s hope here too.

The Good Wife

we're gonna brush the sky: mardia
Six meals Alicia and Will shared together.
Great characterisation.

Holiday 1938

The Fifth Avenue Anti-Stuffed Shirt and Flying Trapeze Club Goes to France: movies_michelle (Susan/Nick, Johnny/Linda)
Post-movie on-the-boat delightfulness. Susan’s amused and wise POV is a joy.

Back in New York: Fabrisse
This works well as a follow-on to the above fic, actually. Linda keeps her promise to Ned. This deals well with some of the more serious stuff in the film.

The Hunger Games

if wishes: janeausten4ever
Seriously good Cinna POV (Cinna/Katniss) commentfic take on their last scene together.

Hope and Fear: grable424
Gen overview of the film. This vid does a great job of showing why Katniss fights and what she's fighting against.


Fanart: To Bear Patiently: aredblush
Arthur and Care Bears. (I can't textually render the noises I made when I first saw this.)

let the fun shine in: angelgazing
Crack, gen with some Arthur/Eames
The team have to be Care Bears for a mission. Arthur hates it. You won't.
See also this illustration by aredblush

Mulan (Disney version)

Bloom in Adversity: Dogstar
Beautiful vid, loved the story telling and the mood setting in it.

Once Upon a Time

through the dark streets they go searching: tosca1390
Emma/Sheriff. What happened at the ending of 1.03 ‘Snow Falls’ doesn’t sit well with Emma, so she goes investigating. Loved the physical details here, and Emma’s perspective on all that’s happened is acutely written.

you’re all cold: tosca1390
Emma/Sheriff speculation ficlet (I don’t think it’s spoilery for anything beyond ‘Snow Falls’)
When she was younger, shuttled from foster home to orphanage and back, she would dream of forests and open spaces quite like this.

a detour in your new life: tosca1390 (spoilers for 1.03, speculation for beyond) Emma/Sheriff
Lovely fic that appears simple, but with a lot going on, in which Emma is unwell and Sheriff Graham takes care of her.

Habitiual Offender: medie Emma/Graham(/Cuffs) spoilers for the first couple of episodes
The playfulness and sensuality of this ficlet are great.


Memento Mori: Jayne Leitch
A disturbing fic about young Lana's response to the loss of her parents. (Spoilers for season 1.)


Bringing up Baby, Holiday, The Philadelphia Story

A Sophisticated Song: Jetpackmonkey
This is a perfect vidlet for the charm of the incomparable Hepburn/Grant onscreen pairing. The song is a perfect fit - Cary Grant’s reputation IS as Mr Sophisticated, but look at how he meets his match. Add leopards, dinosaur bones, table decorations and clothes and let the fun begin. They're a class act and so is this vidlet.

the good wife, once upon a time, bones, tv, fanvid recs, links, smallville, themed links, films, reading, marvel cinematic universe, recs, fanart recs, er, fanfiction recs

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