Weekend TV

Apr 24, 2012 08:00

The Mentalist 4.18 Ruddy Cheeks

Overall, I thought this was better than previous eps, possibly because Jane and Lisbon had fun together, Jane was kind towards Liesl - and they needed the playfulness and how out there Brother Joseph was etc. to deal with such heavy-going fare, I mean, the last thing standing for Liesl was that her brother was going to go to rehab so that he could be there for her, which is a step in the right direction, but a bit 'Yikes!'

There was also some Cho/Summer time - yay, and sarcastic thanks for keeping us waiting. I thought the thing was going to be that she’d exchanged his pills for sleeping tablets. Loved how he felt responsible for what had happened with Rigsby (was it the gunshots that woke him?) and took responsibility for it. Lisbon will be watching him now. Nice Rigsby moment, except stop yanking his chain Grace. They can’t expect much sympathy for me over Grace/Wayne (names in that form and order intentionally) after they broke them up for fake tension.

But there were enough bits that I enjoyed, I liked the resolution - I was two-thirds of the way there, having picked up that Everyone Wanted To See The Victim’s Body and that the nurse had been thrust forward quite a lot, but the family drama was interesting enough. (Although having caught some scenes again on a repeat, I did start thinking how convenient many of the father's actions towards his son were. Wouldn't changing the will have made more sense immediately after he booted him out or the marriage? I suppose that, although he seemed to be saying he was getting better and going along with Brother Joseph's healing, he must have been feeling worse, so I'll go along with the timing of setting up rehab and trying to reconnect with his son.

Lisbon looked gorgeous in that blue top, and Jane’s swish overcoat (how typical that he’d avail himself of one, but she wasn’t wearing an extra layer) in the morgue.

Five are dancing the timeslot tango with OUaT. I thought it had done well enough in the ratings, should I be worried? Okay, it’s only an hour’s change, (8 o’clock normally, but 9 o’clock for the last episode, on a one week only basis.)

1.04 The Price of Gold

Emma-Henry is still the heart of this for me, so even though a lot of Emma’s speeches and actions in trying to help Ashley (heh, nice one) and her baby were pointed sharp, I couldn’t mind that. I enjoyed labelling Regina a Bad Mom for leaving her 10 year old inside at home unsupervised when I thought she was actually going to a legitimate meeting. What kind of admonition is ‘stay inside’ (when it was sunny)? What if there had been a fire? It was fairly obvious that it was going to be the Sherriff she’d been sleeping with, so no gasps of surprise there from me.

But this was Rumpelstiltskin/Mr Gold’s episode. I have only the vaguest memories of the Ladybird version of his story - is it traditionally linked to Cinderella’s? HE KILLED A FAIRY GODMOTHER. What did he want the baby for? The princes came off badly at crisis time (well-meaning, but wielding the wrong weapons with no grasp of their power). I presume ‘magic has its price’ will be a recurring theme. I liked the way they curtailed Cinderella’s story in the Enchanted Forest (how many kingdoms does it have and how are they related to each other?) because, apart from Rumpelstiltskin’s (fatal) intervention, it presumably followed the same old steps that we know so well. I liked Snow-Ella’s friendship.

I’m aghast that Emma owes Gold a favour, but I love that she is actively changing others’ lives. It’s interesting, for example, that Ashley gave her baby (gestation 28 years???) the same name that Thomas put forward in the Enchanted Forest. Although apparently Gold DOESN’T remember.

I love all the little references, scattered like breadcrumbs around, the emphasis on SEVEN places that Emma had lived in and Ruby’s wolf charm. (I had been theorising over the week, partly about the wolf who stopped Emma from leaving. I also liked that they answered the simple ‘no-one can get away without hurt except Emma AND HENRY’ point by his simple ‘I’m ten’.

Oh, and I look forward to learning more about ‘Snow’s blue fairies/birds’. James made them sound like a network of hers which was SO COOL. And for all the talk about happy endings in the Enchanted Forest, we left Ella not having achieved hers, but with the hope of one in Storeybrook. ILU Emma.

I'm a little besotted with the show, I want to know what happens next NOW and would love to be watching the DVD boxset. Ah well, I'm going to be cracking open Bones season 3 - it'll be a partial rewatch, because I watched and enjoyed the first part, but then stopped having Sky, so the end of the season will be new to me. I DO remember the key thing about Bones - not to watch it while eating anything.

once upon a time, the mentalist, bones, tv, dvds

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