Recs 2/2

Mar 25, 2012 15:30

A while ago, I posted the first in a batch (of two) of recs. Here's the second lot...

Fairy Tales (modern day AU)

Snow White and Red Riding Hood: kastaka
Snow White and Rose Red meet Little Red Riding Hood walking through their forest... except their forest is the crumbling gangland neighbourhood they grew up in...
The worldbuilding is especially good in this fic.

The Good Wife

For I Come without answers: empressearwig
Believable way it could have gone around 2.08. (Overall, I'm glad it didn't go this way.)

Harry Potter

Fanart Dolores Umbridge: ryah-jnm-09
I love how her toadiness is suggested in the outline.

Coda: jazzypom
Resonant Molly-centric ficlet, even more so coming to it after the series has ended, set post GoF.
They had losses, but in different ways, and truthfully, how could she compare?

Untitled post-Deathly Hallows George, Verity ficlet: a-t-rain
Powerful, grounded vignette about grief mixed with hope.


Worlds Inside Us: diarmi (Ariadne, Cobb, Mal)
The use of movement and the totems, plus the way the music heightened the mysterious quality have a real impact in this vidlet.

Independence Day

Doomsday: Absolute Destiny
This vid is bang-on bombastic fun, just like the movie.

The King’s Speech

Fixing a Hole: legoline
This vid does a great job of parallelling Bertie and Lionel, with the microphone almost a third character. The overall idea and mood conveyed by the song are a good match for the film.

Little Women

Beth Finds the Palace Beautful: snacky
Little Women in space - so many ‘of course’ (at the rightness) moments in this seamlessly integrated AU.

Lord of the Rings

The fathoms they abide: having-written
Eowyn in 50 sentences, all containing insight and, together, building a powerful portrait of her.


An Elephant's Memory: Rodo
Further Richard, Door and Marquis adventures! Conveys the unexpectedness of London Below and how Richard is sort of getting to grips with it well. The ending is abrupt, though.

Pushing Daisies

hoping's very fears: ndnickerson (Ned/Chuck)
(The facts are these...)This feels like a missing episode, the characters are all vividly captured and the tone is just right.


still screaming: lolachrome
Intriguing vid about the hold that Moriarty has on Sherlock (spoilers for 1.03), the third in an Arcade Fire/Sherlock vid trilogy.


Everywhere you’re leaving something behind: belantana
Set before 10.01, some spoilers for all of series 10. Language.
Erin-centric look at the period between series 9 and 10. Thoroughly satisfying read that gets under Erin’s skin and gives believable Erin-Dimitri time (which hi, I was craving) not to mention Beth being Beth.

Star Trek - Enterprise

Pearls at the Bottom of the Sea: escriba (Trip/T'Pol, set during season 3)
Trip couldn't help smiling. That was the T'Pol he knew. She could build a perfect world of denial with its own flag, currency and post service, and then destroy it as easily with one sentence. She hated half-measures.
If I could describe what this fic is about in one word, it'd be 'intimacy'.

The West Wing
(fusion with Star Trek)

Election Days: Raven
Behind her, Donna looks up at the night sky and thinks, with quiet delight: look what we did.
I loved the accretion of details, the melding of both worlds and the way CJ and Donna were both awesome here.

Multifandom (Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers films)

identifcal snowflakes: icepixie
You might want to save this delightful vid for winter/Christmas if you haven't seen it, but it drew me in out of season.

tv, links, films, reading, star trek, the west wing, pushing daisies, harry potter, sherlock, the good wife, spooks, fanvid recs, themed links, crossover recs, recs, books, fanart recs, fanfiction recs, lotr

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