The Good Wife 3.05

Feb 11, 2012 09:39

I assumed that we’d be seeing David Lee very soon, and they way they did it was well worth it for the revelation for Alicia. I couldn’t see that much difference between Caitlin and Martha myself. I doubt that Alicia will be mean to her as Collette suggested. And oh, you two, be friends then.

Thingy (you know, the prisoner) reminded me of Owen in the oddest of ways. Anyhow, always good to have his discomfiting presence around. I was amused at his method of getting ‘Donald’ to talk. I suppose he does realise that having raised it on tape owned by the State Attorney’s office, he can’t go about having that man killed.

Yay! Geneva, having an IC rant!

Oh, Grace - your only friend is employed by your mother? Why haven’t you kept the friends you’ve made in the past? Also, I don’t think cross peer group friendship is automatically unhealthy, ALICIA, although it’s one thing a 22 year old making videos and another a 14 year old...great job on youth and age being flummoxed by each other, though. And I didn't think the parallels between Alicia and Grace were overstated.

Of course Will would/will disappoint her, but will it be in as big a way as Peter did?

But the big thing was Eli finally following the breadcrumbs to fall down the rabbithole, and set foot on the yellow brick road. (Or something.) About time.

Are there any The Good Wife/Tin Man crossovers?

I hope to post more this weekend!

the good wife, tv

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