TV catch-up #4

Jun 10, 2011 07:54

I would have posted this earlier, but I'd jotted down my reactions in various places and kept mislaying them. I managed to miss The Good Wife (finale!) and Rubicon last night, so will have to catch up with them at some point. I may be in denial about my ability to keep catching up with shows over the next ten days for various reasons. Oh, well.

Rubicon 1.9 'No Honesty in Men'

Spengler was great in this episode. If only the show had been constructed differently, I could enjoy him and Kale, I could get excited about the geek love of Miles/Julia. Like I've probably said before, it only they didn't have the conspiracy of powerful white old men who were once boys on holiday together. The story of API and the team of analysts who save the world while not being able to trust their bosses or themselves is far more compelling. I also keep thinking that Will's quest might work better in a shorter, more intense miniseries a la The State Within.

Blah blah Andie getting hot and bothered by Spy!Will. Of course, she doesn't know what a bad spy he is.

Glee 2.21 'Funeral' I was expecting this to be the final for some reason, but it wasn't. Beautiful songs, anyway. I didn't understand why Artie, who is my favourite boy singer, tried for a solo. The song choices were so perfect for the characters - slightly parodic choices, but delivered with feeling.

I don’t think they pulled off Jean’s death and a parody of reality Tv ‘talent’ shows in the same ep, though. I suppose you could argue that the ‘whammo’ element worked, that is where we're told about something that happened offscreen that has a major effect on the episode, except that the show pulls this kind of thing all the time for much smaller things. (The use of video footage makes me think that it was a story-telling decision, not a choice because the actress playing Jean died). Jane Lynch was wonderful, and I thought they delivered on how Sue Sylvester would grieve for the best part of her, and her treatment of Becky was cruel without comedy. (Her insults to Will and the Glee kids did make me snort, especially the hating one of them the most at random.) The scene in the car, in which Finn broke up with Quinn worked well, except it felt like a scene that had dropped from nowhere (perhaps because of the location), but a funeral, a speech like Sue's making Finn rethink his feelings - yes, I'll buy that.

Jesse and his SyCo Vocal Adrenaline ways were mildly amusing, but didn't work in the episode as a whole. My response to Will's New York adventure was 'Is that still going on?' (I'm more pro Will/Emma than, say, Finn/Rachel, and the echoes of her wearing his top were nice. Especially if you remember, as the show only does sporadically, her issues.)

I'll tell you who I would like to have more screen time - Puck and Lauren. What's going on with them? How would we know? The show hasn't shown us in a while. (Or told us).

And since when is red an appropriate colour to wear at a funeral?

tv, rubicon, comings-and-goings, glee

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