Everybody Knows by Counteragent
Jack-centric (spoilers for the whole series)
This flows so marvellously and gives such a complete look at what Jack does, puts up with, goes through and why - the Jack-Sydney stuff got to me the most, but it works as a whole.
The Good Dog: tesla
A series of conversations post 2.02 (The Mother and Baby in the Bay) that picks up strands from that episode, but not the ones you'd expect and is fabulously in character.
Explanations: Tesla 3-part (but short) Bones Halloween gen fic. Set in early season 2. Wonderfully in character as Booth brings a haunted house case before the squints.
part 1 part 2 part 3 Show and Tell: Dira sudis
Wonderful, intimate Brennan/Booth
He speaks in metaphors, and she answers in bones.
Seeley Booth's Bones: Dira sudis
Gen. Death fic. Elegaic but so in character.
Hardly anyone even finds it remarkable that she keeps a set of unidentified bones on her desk.
Hit the ground: fialka (spoiers up to 2.12ish. Language. Booth/Brennan)
Booth POV as he and Brennan help each other to deal with some of the events in the first half of season 2. It captures what's going on in his head and heart very believably.
Everything Happens Eventually: Krys 33 post 2.16 Brennan-centric coda
Does a lovely job of filling us on Brennan's thoughts, feelings and decision-making process at this point in her life.
Wednesday Afternoon: Dira sudis
Brennan, Booth gen.
Wonderful vignette about death and trust, being yourself, and food.
On Ice: Dira sudis
Breenan, Booth. He takes her ice skating and it is very them and lovely.
Take It, Don't Ask: voleuse
How Booth and Brennan met and started working together...
Front Seat: Dira sudis
Booth/Brennan Camille
Fun vignette. As the summary says 'It really isn't what it looks like.
Refuse to be Comforted: tesla
Covers 2.13-2.17 7-part Brennan/Sully, Brennan/Boothish
Excellent look at a case that weaves along the period when Brennan is involved with Sully, and is about how Booth and Brennan deal with that. Captures the characters and their dialogue really well.
part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5part 6part 7 Ty Nant in a Clear Glass Bottle: Dira Sudis
s2 ish Angela/Hodgins flashfic
Angela watched her environment with an artist's eye, seeking out the telling details that defined the whole.
The Necklace: ygrawn
Booth/Brennan. Some point during season 1
He cannot say how he chooses the necklaces, how he knows what Brennan will like, but she’s never failed to wear what he gives her.
The Right Thing: krys33
Mid to lats s2. Zack, Brennan (slight Z/B)
Great Zack voice and a touching picture of their relationship and what she means to him.
Green: Dira sudis
Pre series Jack and Zach gen. Perfectly IC, but with an 'early days' feel to it.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
5 Characters That Never Were The Slayer: crackers4jenn
Need cheering up? Let me direct you to the chronicle of how Lorelai Gilmore, Dean Winchester, Logan Echolls, Dwight Schrute and Bridget Jones were the Slayer...
Autobiography: were_kemur
Poignant Dawn-centric drabble.
Just Hopeless Enough: lowriseflare
Season 12 - spoilers for 'Lost in America'. Neela/Ray
Oh, the detail, the dialogue and the things unsaid. Bittersweet and brilliant.
Neela knows she has to move out for a long time before she actually does it. By the time the weather starts to turn, it's only a question of when.
Law and Order: UK
Mixed Up Messages: helsinkibaby
Ronnie, Matt (Matt/Alesha).
Great little scenelet.
Art House Flicks: mercurysbard
A glimpse into a future where Nick and Cassie are still together (like in the film?)
The Good Wife
Absolute Truth: mardia
adult Alicia/Will (of sorts) Spoilers for 1.11
Very hot, very believable, laced with bittersweet irony.
I think I forgot to say this with the other recs, but if you liked any of these fanworks, please tell the author, vidder and artist so.