Recs (fic etc.)

Sep 05, 2009 13:00

Here's some recs (I'll make a seperate post with Harry Potter recs) for fic and fanvids in the following fandoms...

Arrested Development
Halfway Girl Uncle Oscar Is at It Again Remix: StroyDiva
A sequence that would make me sad about no more show and antics like this if I wasn't still grinning.

Ashes to Ashes
Postscript: the royal anna spoilers for season 2. Gene/Alex.
Increasingly drunk!Alex composing her letter to Gene. There is much that I could have quoted here.

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much: EruvandeAini
A scene from the season 2 ep that I missed that feels it could have happened on the show. Gene/Alexish

What he sees: EruvandeAini
Ficlet. Luigi's POV on Gene and Alex's relationship.

Untitled vignette: ljs
Anya POV while inventorying Giles's sock drawer. (Giles/Anya established relationship). Very Anya, very scrummy.

Letting Go: scarlett girl
(Anya, Xander and Giles) Intriguing drabble.

Dragon Story: ljs
Rated teen G/A. AU from season 5 on
Lovely, lovely, lovely. About storytelling (about dragons) about characters' journeys.

On the Care and Handling of Rare Books: by winding_path
G/A drabble that made me go 'guh'.

On the Tube: ljs Lovely Giles/Anya double drabble.

The Bourne Identity series
Easier: medie
Post The Bourne Ultimatum fic that fills out what we know of Nicky's character and ability. My only quibble is that it doesn't address the ambiguou past relationship that Jason doesn't remember but she does.

untitled Ellie/Awesome ficlet: dreamingwriter. Beautiful.

Dead Like Me
Knight in Business Casual: alocalband (Jessie)
R (for show-type swearing) George is Mason's dragon slayer. So in character.

New Sports: scoob2222, Prince Edward/Nancy

ER (spoilers for season 15)
Egeo: lowriseflare
M. Post 'Haunted' fic. Okay, I'm treating this as AU, although I think my initial decision of 'jossed' may be inaccurate. Anyway, lovely details and a clear picture of where both Neela and Ray are at emotionally at this point. Will make the shipper in you squee.

Five Times Neela Decided Not to Move to Baton Rouge (And One Time She Changed Her Mind): lowriseflare. Teen.
Oh, Neela! She hesitates, she over-thinks it, but things are shifting. Perfect use of telling details. A both touching and stylish fic.

Finochietto: lowriseflare Post 'Shifting Equilibrium' fic, Neela/Ray. M.
I can't quote just one bit, but throughout, the writer shows how she gets these two (and the combination of tenderness and need between them) and words it perfectly.

And Our Cracking Bones Make Noise: lowriseflare
Ray/Neela M sequel to 'Finochietto'
Neela! Ray! Dealing with the fallout. Fab writing.

Liminal: lizarel
About Molly and Micah, then and now. Stylish and moving.

All I Want (Is Destruction): shamusandstone
(Mature) Punchy and believable fic about how Adam uses Elle.

The Good Kind: ygrawn
Post season 1 Molly, Mohinder, ensemble
When Molly looks up, the girl with purple hair is smiling at her and Mohinder, as though they are something lovely to look at.
This two parter takes the time (the show didn't) to look at the relationships and the rehabilitations that had to take place after what happened in season one. And at it's heart is, well, the love story between Molly and Mohinder that I always wanted to see unfold.
part 1
part 2

Kindling: The Grynne
Adam-Elle interaction, when she was just a child. This ficlet makes me think of how much one flash of lightning can illuminate.

The Invisible City; or, Dick Mayhew and his Marvellous Cat: calliope 85
Post Neverwhere fic - several years later, Richard and the Marquis reunite...
Set time aside for this, if you haven't read it before, just a fabulous, credible continuation, nailing the show's characters, the tone, the love and fear of London...

The Princess Diaries 2
Mia/Nicholas ficlet series
happily ever after by tigriswolf
chapter one
chapter two

What the future feels like: rexram
Nick/Cassie R. A (scorching) pre-movie vision that changes Cassie's perception of herself. More Push recs can be found here.

The West Wing
The Age of Aquarius: speranza Josh/Donna, set around 2003, teen.
As smart, witty and touching as the show.

broken images (the developing snapshot remix): aphrodite_mine.
Post x3 Rogue-centric, Rogue/Bobby, Rogue/Logan.
Increasing in power, and by the end, the choice of how to tell the story, which I found difficult at first, can only be applauded. Some wonderful writing.

And the original:
a heap of broken images: musamea
A post-x3 Rogue-centric story that plumbs her psychological depths in a plausible set-up that plays fair with the other characters too. Marie/Bobby, Marie/Logan.

And finally
You Can't Keep A Good Woman Down by kattahj
a multifandom vid featuring too many fandoms to list, celebrating more mature women in all their shapes and guises. Some sexual situations.


Take it Off by greensilver
A multifandom vid about women that is So. Much. Fun

It's been a good fannish summer for me.

tv, arrested development, links, films, the west wing, buffyverse, dead like me, heroes: the tv series, ashes to ashes, fanvid recs, spy movies, x-men, themed links, recs, push, er, chuck

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