Easter catch-up

Apr 15, 2009 10:40

ER’s long strange trip (or whatever it was called) was a bit self-indulgent and didn’t come off, by the time they’d medically justified the ‘flashbacks’ and introduced the younger version of Carter Doctor Whatshisname there had been one too many silly moments with the men looking particularly daft. And not even William H. Macy could take away the taint of sentimentality. Which is saying something. Although I presume this was kind of meant to be a tribute to Michael Crichton.

The other stuff - hee to Gunn and the other officers threatening Morris over Claudia, LUCIEN WAS ACTING STRANGE ~(does he want Neela to go elsewhere to spread her wings?), Can’t Project’s issues with his neglectful mother making him willing to fight for the functioning dyad (of course the son got into Julliard!) led to Neela standing in the middle, trying to speak sense. And she still hasn't a clue about all that. I would therefore like to believe that they are doomed.

I missed Pushing Daisies - I wonder if ITV are offering it online? I haven't had a chance to look that up until today. I also missed American Idol (much less of a bad thing) and Dancing with the Stars. Oh well.

I've started rewatching the X-Men trilogy, although I've stalled after watching the first, during which I had lots of thoughts about Wolverine and Rogue and X-Men’s influence on Heroes, but I wasn't going to start to write notes while watching it.

Speaking of Heroes, the last episode wasn’t written by Bryan Fuller, so it was back to blah. The Sylar and 24 man go shapeshifter (again?) hunting was dull, and Sylar was smiling all the time, which was disconcerting. The Petrelli focus was better, although it highlighted that who knows what’s going on with Angela or has been over the years - whatever suits the story. And the Claire-Nathan bonding would have been touching if Nathan had fully realised how very stupid his plans have been this season. Also, I pity his constituents. And his sons, And so, Claire cannot get drunk. Hmm. But after last week’s improvement, it was back to normal. I wonder how/if they’ll pull all the strands together for a finale and whether they can come up with some coherent stuff for next season, which feels dullingly inevitable. (I hope that she who plays Vivien on Pushing Daisises is Angela’s sister.)

pushing daisies, tv, heroes: the tv series, x-men, er

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