My top seven films of 2008

Jan 04, 2009 14:50

One year, I will have a top 10. This could have been a longer list, but then it would contain films that I liked/admired, but had some issues with.

CLOVERFIELD Uses its conceit of being bound amateur footage of a night when New York was terrorised to excellent, visceral effect. It managed to live up to the hype, in a year when a lot of films didn't.

JUNO No, I don’t believe anyone talks like this, but I wish they would. Some real heart and great performances ground this tale of teen pregnancy and growing up.

THERE WILL BE BLOOD relentless examination of how the pursuit of black gold affected society through a towering, remarkable performance by Day Lewis, who owns the film (or part owns it with the director).

PRINCE CASPIAN We return to Narnia with the Pevensies, but it’s darker, pacier, more accomplished. Also: Reepacheep!!! We will glide over the Caspian/Susan nonsense.

WALL-E Yes, it did make me sniffle, like I was afraid it would, but in a happy way. From the wordless beginning when our unlikely hero captures our heart, through his burgoning relationship with EVE, balanced against what is not hopeless apocalyptic sci fi, it takes a swipe at our consumer society, laced with irony given that it's a Disney-PIXAR movie, oh but it possessed me.

THE DARK KNIGHT Remarkable. It picks off and runs and runs with the story of the re-envisaged Gotham City and its true knight, breaking your heart a little, making you use your brain too, as the Joker, agent of chaos, lands in town, and takes his turn at burning it up. Muscular (a shde too long) and very dark. Good stuff.

MISS PETTIGREW LIVES FOR A DAY Why don't more people love this film like I did? Keeps the spirit of the delightful book alive, but dares to bring the shadow of the upcoming war closer. I defy you to go and see this and not smile.

For context, I went to the cinema even more than last year: 49 time and three of those visits were repeats. My favourite film of the year was... Mamma Mia! (joke) The Dark Knight Wall-E. So much.

(Previous 'best of the year' lists can be found here.

batverse, books, themed links, films

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