Finally: fic recs

Dec 22, 2008 10:59

I've been trying to find the chance to do this for a while - it's over a year since I last did a recs post for fics and fanart, and so it turns out that these are the best of what I came across in 2008. I wasn't online much at the beginning of the year, and so I stuck to other people's recs for reading material, so you might have seen some of these before.

Arrested Development

Maybe Tonight: emiime
Futurefic. George Michael/Maebe. R.
Fantastic characterisation. Depicts the relationship in a way that's completely in keeping with the spirit of the show.

Of Ninjas and Peppermint Ice-Cream: sioniann
Gen that could be scenes from the show transcribed. Michael and GOB (who is spor on, btw) and Maeby.

Batman Begins

Q & A: medie
Very organic coda to Batman Begins about how Vicki Vale would fit into this world.

To Sleep: misbegotten
Great, effective, "old school" CSI ensemble gen drabbble


Winter Words: stealth muffin. Harry/Corlath.
If you like words, and particularly the words that created 'The Blue Sword' go read this now, a perfect winter time read.


The Best Combination: luzdeestrellas. Mal/Kaylee
Catches the post-Serenity mood and voice of the characters just right.

A Real Nice Party: astralis
Post Shindig. Because Kaylee making Mal happy makes me happy.

Best of All: jengrrl
Very real feeling pre Mal/Kaylee ficlet.

Harry Potter (a few crossovers)

ART: Charlie and a baby dragon by xnuinx (artist claims R/NWS? because it's bare-chested Charlie).

Alive on Air: Raven
Spoilers for DH. Behind the scenes of a live transmission. This feels like it fits in the Potterverse.

Marigolds: ladybracknell Neville/Luna
There was a collection of ash trees down on the edge of the forest, and so she’d gone there as soon as she could, and found the tree that most resembled what she thought she wanted, someone strong and true and kind, and although she’d found strong and true, kind was harder to tell in trees, and so she’d picked the one that seemed to have the most birds nesting in it, and settled for that.

Asking the Right Questions: stephanometra
Three vignettes of Minerva and the Hat that add up to a cracking portrait of her.

common threads: honey_wheeler (gen, various characters, canonical pairings)
Set immediately post the Battle of Hogwarts, this spends time with those who were left behind and does so movingly and revelatorily.

the good sleep better: honey wheeler - comapnion piece to the above that focuses on the Trio at the time of 'common threads'.

and this, my lovely child, is your garden: honey wheeler
Continuation of the above. Insightful portrait of Fleur and the life that she builds with Bill.

Harry Potter/The West Wing crossover:
The Ancient Curse of Bast: musesfool
Who better to sort out that particular problem of CJ's that Bill Weasley? An 'of course' idea, very well executed.

ART: McGonagll n Luna (or QUIDDITCH IZ SERUIZ BIZNIZ): salamanderandsoup
Lives up to the title ;)

Chasing Dragons: lls_mustant
How Charlie had to choose between dragons and quidditch - I just really like brilliant Charlie and his Hogwarts here (slightly Americanised).

ART: HP vs. LOTR: glockgirl
V. v. v. funny character face-off

Forgetful: The Evil Author
A short, perfect HP/MIB crossover

Special Tea on Fridays: MelWil
Post DH Neville vignette.
Neville goes to visit his parents after the Battle of Hogwarts. It's the details that lent power to this for me.

The Little Ones: furiosity
Ginny, Molly, Luna and Neville - a stunt, a stand, a start on the Platform. Absolutely gripping set-during-DH fic.


Playthings: Lizarel (spoilers for 2.10)
Layered, balanced look at the developing, screwed-up relationship between Elle and Adam from her perspective, that successfully employs a tricksy device, leading to a very believable climax, given the canon.

Nancy Drew
Nancy Drew and the Case of the Missing Mysteries: carlanime_bligh
Impressive Nancy Drew (the original mysteries!) metafic that's affectionately true to the books but has something to say about them.

The O.C.
When the Morning Light Explodes: txtequilanights
and its sequel
Catch a Falling Star (You'll go far): txtequilanights

Tin Man
Distance: fuzipenguin
Pre DG/Cain ficlet. I like the rueful nevitability here.

Veronica Mars
Note to Self: Sam
Late season 3 Mac and Logan interaction that expands believably on canon, and balances the snark and sincerity nicely.

The West Wing

The Wedding: musesfool Josh/Donna happy-making ficlet

Hollow Lake State Park: Speranza
Josh literally steps off the re-election trail, and there's Donna. Balancing the lovely Johs/Donna is some excellent Toby banter.

Phew! I hope all the links work. If you enjoy the fics etc, please send encouraging feedback to these talented fans.

tv, nancy drew, arrested development, films, crime scene investigation, reading, the west wing, harry potter, heroes: the tv series, veronica mars, batverse, firefly, themed links, crossover recs, firefly-serenity, recs, tin man, fanart recs, books, the o.c., lotr

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