I bring miscellany

Oct 25, 2008 10:04

A bunch of miscellaneous links - some of these are old and some of them will be redundant if I don't post this now.

FNL season 1 resources - links to cast and crew member interviews here, thanks to Maureen Ryan of the Chicgo Tribune (spoilers throughout s1) .

An A.V. Club interview with Greg Grunberg about Being The Sidekick - Alias and season 1 Heroes spoilers (plus the debatable contention that Ricky Gervais was the best villain on Alias).

Neverwhere quote icons by thereal_anabel

via rez_lo (and the Women and Hollywood blog) Very funny vid on chick flicks (two(?) of those films have come out in the UK already, and I've very amused that Happy Go Lucky is being marketed as a chick flick over the pond, because it so wasn't here.

via musesfool The Invisible Woman: Alyssa Rosenberg
After a summer of blockbuster comic-book flicks and record ticket sales to women, why have we yet to see a superheroine movie?

(Via fabu, I think) Lazy Eyes: Michael Agger
Thought-provoking article on how we read online (which has obligations for presentational issues when writing online).

Interesting analysis of The Feylin phenomenon by Ed Pilkington.

A Wise and Brilliant Man: Toby Ziegler
by raedbard
This icon_reflectionessay is multi-faceted examination of Toby Ziegler, so if you want a reminder of what a great character he was/is, set some time aside and read this spoilers for the whole run of The West Wing)

alamo-girl80 rants/gives advice to fic writers about Mary Sues, fanon ditches that everyone seems to be falling into, the cliché and plagiarism. What I found interesting was the Tin Man-specific (well, DG/Cain specific) comments.

Tin Man resource - Guide to the People and Places of the O.Z. by rockydoll

And the very funny The Dark Knight spoof trailer (I'm not ready to try to embed it) here.

heroines, tv, batverse, alias, films, writing, friday night lights, the west wing, miscellaneous links, fanfiction meta, tin man, heroes: the tv series, books, meta

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