
Jul 31, 2007 08:23

I have the latest Empire and have only got as far as the letters page, where someone has written in about Ten Inch Hero, asking all casual like for a UK release date (answer: none yet). And I am 'oh, you Jensen fangirl, you! I know where you heard about the film'. This probably says more about me than the letter. Anyway, the magazine reminded me that I needed o go back and read last week's issue because there were some bits I skipped on until after I had seen the movies in question, and now I have (ok, mainly Transformers). So, I currently have two copies of Empire lying open on my kitchen desktops.

And now, indulge me as I talk a little about the story behind yesterday's ficlets, or skip it. I decided to do this while coding links on my site (to quote NatWest: there must be a better way).

The Sky High ficlet existed in a rough form first, and bits of the ER ficlet did too, although, unlike the Warren fic, I don't think it involved a photograph. When 'Photographs and Memories' aired, I jumped on it as a title for fic, but it wasn't until I noticed I was coming up to 500 memories (around the 494 mark :)), that the thought of commemorating that met the 'neat title/concept' and bred plot-bunnies. I'd just finishing reading 'Secret Water' and surprised myself with the Nancy fic, in that I don't naturally want to fic books (but there may be another S&A ficlet to be posted eventually).

I started writing the ER ficlet before the season 13 finale, grabbing on to the dread mood brewing and my remnants and running with the idea of Neela looking at photographs (echoing Ray's so cute fridge picture and mix CD cover. Darling boy.) Two fics down, I remembered the Warren fic, and back and forthed over it - the original intention was for it to be a drabble, but it wouldn't fit 100 words easily. It did, however, fit the 'P&M' theme, although, as it turns out, all the other stories are about female characters.

I wrote the Luna fic in reaction to rereading Order of the Phoenix and seeing the film, actually, (and the fifth fic was intended to be something entirely different, but it turned out to be too long to be called a ficlet). So I squeed at the Luna's bedroom scene in DH, because I'd got quite close, I then rewrote the ficlet to comply with canon. And the Angelina/Fred was obviously written post DH - it's probably the freshest piece, which is interesting to me, given the reaction it has garnered, and that I know I fiddle and fuss over drafts for too long - the photographs and memories hooks came quite organically because I'd been obsessing over the themes.

I was rereading my review of the GoF film the other day, and my obsessions have been quite consistent, I talked about Fred/Angelina and worried that film!Luna would be decent.

The next things I plan to post will be chirpier. Promise. Also whee! I have fic that I think is ready to post - it was April when I last posted anything, and that has been quite frustrating because I am not overwhelmed by work at the mo.

Anyway, I now have 500 memories (though it won't be for long. I have a list of posts that I need to add to that hodge podge of mine).

heroines, tv, empire magazine, films, writing, sky high, fanfiction meta, harry potter, er, books, all ackles's fault, shipping

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