finding extreme nosiness charming

Jul 25, 2007 19:53

Yesterday I bravely stupidly lent my copy of DH to a colleague's SO. And just to get the obligatory HP content out of the way, I finally read an article in the Guardian's Saturday review where they asked a variety of people to predict the ending. Some of them took it as a chance to write fic, rather than saying 'I think X and Y will happen', including education Minister Ed Balls, although I'm not entirely sure whether it was him, because it was so close to parody (wittering about Hermione's success in the NEWTs and subsequent achievements. Never mind that he ignored that wizarding grades are different). I was amused that the nine year old girl got much closer to it than the nine year old boy.

Anyway, I also watched VMars last night 3-13 Postgame Mortem and really enjoyed it, cackling at the antics of Dick and Logan. Whatever else they were, they were funny.

The new case is interesting - I like and share Veronica's uncertainty at whether the son did it or not. As soon as Mason fingered him, I swung towards thinking that he was innocent because it was Mason and he irritated me. But I'm perfectly aware that that's not really a sound reason to assign guilt. However, it's fishy that both the Coach's son and Mrs O'Dell are claiming to be set up in two separate cases. More importantly, you just know that it made Lamb's year to arrest Veronica - but I'm not sure that she did anything, although I'm assuming that the Dumas reference was to the Count of Monte Cristo, but I've just seen the movie, not read the book, so the details of the allusion elude me, and even with Lamb and Sachs' incompetence, how did he escape? Is this revenge for helping Duncan to get away? How involved was she?

Anyway, it was about time they got round to the Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang referencing.

It occurs to me that Veronica has spent more time with Weevil of late than Wallace, and if they'd wanted to, they could have written Wallace in more into this plot. Of course, the story isn't over, so we may get more of him AND CLIFF (HINT, HINT). I'm a bit more obsessed with Veronica's friendships than the show.

In the cookie baking scene, the moment where Veronica tells Keith not to get murdered (seconded) didn't quite work until a few seconds after where she visibly makes an effort to banter, that confirmed the sincerity. Otherwise, good acting - Veronica listening in on the story of the coach's death fr instance. And Logan's sidekick, Heather, wasn't annoying, so good choice - she seemed familiar, my guess was a patient on ER, but it turns out it was Ugly Betty. Also, good use of recurring faces, I always dig that for continuity and nuance adding.

I think I'll be watching Wire in the Blood tonight, rather than Heroes, as I've seen the eps being shown on BBC2 on SciFi. I've loved the trailers that BBC2 have been running though, interesting, though not entirely surprising that they heavily feature Peter, Claire and HIRO.

uk, tv, harry potter, heroes: the tv series, veronica mars, reading

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